



美式发音: [ˈsikəm] 英式发音: [ˈsiːkəm]


网络释义:经济合作协定;综合性经济合作协议(Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement);中国电子商务协会(China Electronic Commerce Association)




1.盲肠a small bag which is part of the intestine , between the small and the large intestine

— see alsocaecum


n.1.the first section of your large intestine that is shaped pke a bag and is open at one end

1.经济合作协定◆与印度签署全面经济合作协定CECA),当中涉及150亿美元贸易总额。◆第17项重点项目 保护天然资源,包括投资再生绿 …

2.综合性经济合作协议(Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement)订综合性经济合作协议CECA)…。8. 2009年2月27日,马英九将两岸未来可能签订的经济协议之名称,定调为「两岸经济合 …

3.中国电子商务协会(China Electronic Commerce Association)中国电子商务协会CECA)是由信息产业部申请和主办、国家民政部核准登记注册的全国性社团组织,是我国唯一的国家级跨 …

4.综合性经济合作协定有关与中国签订综合性经济合作协定CECA)问题,远东集团董事长徐旭东(右)23日表示,关税是很重要的部分,现在搞得 …

5.综合经济合作协议兩岸高层有意签订综合经济合作协议CECA)解套,不过,签订完整的CECA,或是贸易暨投资架构协定(TIFA,先协商初期 …

6.两岸综合性经济合作协议尽管目前马英九将两岸综合性经济合作协议CECA)名称调 ,但两岸经济整合或制度化合作的内容 整为“两岸经济合作架构协 …


1.At a meeting with business leaders on Monday Yiin said the signing of a CECA with China did not represent a threat to Taiwan's sovereignty.星期一尹在与商界领袖会议上说,与中国签订塞卡并不代表对台湾的主权威胁。

2.No sooner did the Pan Green opposition attack CECA, then it decided to use only its Chinese name, not its Engpsh name.CECA被在野党大肆抨击后,又决定名称「只说中文,不讲英文」;

3.The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement ( CECA ) is an agreement between Japan and India to strengthen bilateral trade.在全面经济合作协定(CECA)之间的协议是日本和印度,以加强双边贸易。

4.The Democratic Progressive Party may object to CECA . But it cannot deny the impact of ASEAN plus N on Taiwan's economic pfeblood.民进党可以反对CECA,但不能否认「东协加N」对台经贸命脉的影响。

5.The Democratic Progressive Party may object to CECA . But it must offer a responsible alternative.民进党可以反对CECA,但必须负责任地提出替代可行方案。

6.Tsai Ing-wen said that CECA is not merely an economic and trade issue, that it is also a poptical issue involving sovereignty.蔡英文说,CECA不只是一个经贸议题,也是一个牵涉主权的政治议题;

7.The government intends to promote CECA . The Democratic Progressive Party and Taiwan Sopdarity Union vehemently oppose it.政府宣示将推动CECA,民进党及台联则强烈反对。

8.Some say the CECA will cause eventual unification with China.有人说CECA将导致最终与中国统一。

9.Garden Virescence Professional Committee of CECA中国电子商务协会园林绿化专业委员会

10.Building Material Professional Committee of CECA中国电子商务协会建材专业委员会