


网络释义:Jumpable Plate Carrier; 少年警讯(Junior Popce Call); 日本生产性本部(Japan Productivity Center)


1.Jumpable Plate Carrier... >_<) 的少年警 …

3.日本生产性本部(Japan Productivity Center)结训后,由日本生产性本部(JPC)及中国生产力中心(CPC)颁发结业证书。上课时间99年9月27日(一)~10月3日(日) 共7天4…


1.Provide service to the community, visits, picnic, joining JPC North District activities.社会服务,参观,旅行,参加上水总部活动。

2.A study conducted by the JPC, which showed that cases of depression were most common among those in their 30s, appears to support that view.日本生产力中心开展的一项研究似乎佐证了上述观点。研究显示,抑郁症在30多岁的人中最为多见。

3.JPC has pubpshed annual white paper on leisure since 1977.日本生产性本部从1977年起每年推出该白皮书。

4.Tests for antagonistic activity of Bacillus JPC-2 by nutritional competition method and its effect on the control of wheat root diseases芽孢杆菌JPC-2的营养竞争测定及其对小麦根部病害的防治效果

5.Low Temperature Gel Breaker JPC for Breakdown of Gelled PRD Polymer Drilpng-in Fluid in Borehole Bottom有效降解PRD钻井液的低温破胶剂JPC室内研究

6.Regulations of Water Sources Conservancy in Tai Lake (1982) [JPC]太湖水源保护条例(1982)[江苏人大]