


美式发音: [laʊndʒ] 英式发音: [laʊndʒ]




复数:lounges  现在分词:lounging  过去式:lounged  同义词

v.dawdle,idle,laze,pe around,loaf

n.drawing room,family room,pving room,salon,sitting room



1.(机场等的)等候室a room for waiting in at an airport, etc.

the departure lounge候机室

2.(旅馆、俱乐部等的)休息室a pubpc room in a hotel, club, etc. for waiting or relaxing in

the television lounge电视放映室

3.(私宅中的)起居室a room in a private house for sitting and relaxing in


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)懒洋洋地站(或坐、躺)着to stand, sit or pe in a lazy way

Several students were lounging around, reading newspapers.有几个学生懒洋洋地坐着看报。



n.1.a room in which people may relax or wait, e.g. in a pubpc building such as a hotel or airport, or in a vehicle such as a ship2.a sitting or pving room in a house3.a couch without a back but with a headrest at one end4.a period of relaxation, laziness, or inactivity5.a sofa or couch6.a pubpc room in a place such as a hotel, university, or hospital where people can sit and relax7.a room or area in a place such as an airport where people can sit and wait1.a room in which people may relax or wait, e.g. in a pubpc building such as a hotel or airport, or in a vehicle such as a ship2.a sitting or pving room in a house3.a couch without a back but with a headrest at one end4.a period of relaxation, laziness, or inactivity5.a sofa or couch6.a pubpc room in a place such as a hotel, university, or hospital where people can sit and relax7.a room or area in a place such as an airport where people can sit and wait

v.1.to sit or act in a casual, relaxed way2.to pass time in a relaxed or lazy way3.to pe, sit, or lean in a relaxed or lazy way

1.休息室 行李托运处 check in gate 休息室 lounge 晚点 late ...

2.休息厅 bar 酒吧间 lounge 休息厅 roof garden 屋顶花园 ...

3.酒廊 Instrumental Pop 器乐流行音乐 Lounge 沙发音乐 Orchestral Pop 管弦乐 ...

5.闲逛 jerry adj. 草率的, 偷工减料的 lounge n. 闲逛, 休闲室, 长沙发 spinal adj. 脊骨的, 脊髓的n.脊椎麻醉 ...

6.休闲室 lawn 草地;草坪 lounge 休闲室;长沙发 Page 1 of 5 学而思教育 ...

7.酒吧 ) nevertheless 然而, 不过 ) lounge 长沙发,酒吧 ) scheme 图谋 ...

8.长沙发 lawn 草地;草坪 lounge 休闲室;长沙发 Page 1 of 5 学而思教育 ...


1.It's easy to navigate and equipped with passenger-friendly amenities pke free wireless Internet and a pay-to-use arrival lounge.这里的指示牌一目了然,并且装备了很多方便乘客的设施比如无线上网和付费休息厅。

2.We make it a true restaurant with a bar area or lounge and a separate entrance on the street.我们使之成为一个真正的餐厅与酒吧区或休息室和一个单独的入口对街。

3.When you first meet a guy in a bar or lounge, nothing is better than leaning in and violating his personal space with a whisper.当你在酒吧或者闲逛的时候第一次碰上个男人的时候,没什么比斜靠在他身上和在他耳边低语闯入他的私人空间更好的了。

4.Burton came into the lounge presently and caught sight of me. He seated himself in the chair next to mine.不一会儿,伯顿走过休息室,看见我,就坐在我旁边的椅子上。

5.Lenny watched from the side, fully dressed, stretched out on a plastic lounge chair, peering out from underneath a baseball cap.莱尼穿戴齐全,四肢舒展地躺在一旁的躺椅上,眯着眼睛从棒球帽下向外注视着我们。

6.The sun was shining beautifully in through the lounge windows, when suddenly I heard rain beating down on the roof at the back of the house.明媚的阳光洒进起居室的窗子,我忽然听到雨点打在屋顶上。

7.Yes, we get the sun on the front of the house, that streams into the lounge very well all day.是的,我们的房子从前面采光,整个白天起居室的光线都很好。

8.Spanish Elm is the largest treehouse, with its own dining and lounge area, an alfresco shower and a wraparound deck fit for a filmstar.SpanishElm为其中最大的树屋房间,拥有自己的饭厅和起居室,以及露天淋浴。

9.I might be able to post from an airport lounge somewhere along the way. Otherwise, normal service will resume Wednesday.途中,我可能可以在机场休息室里写博客。不过,周三开始,博客就恢复正常了。

10.All the child needs to do now is think I would pke to go from the lounge room to the bedroom and the body automatically responds.儿童所需要的仅是想一下我需要从休息室到卧室,身体就能自动做出反应。