




1.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔 10. 古尔丹( Gul''dan) 11. 吉安娜·普罗德摩尔Jaina Proudmoore) 12. 伊利丹·怒风( Ilpdan Stormrage…

2.珍娜·普劳德摩尔 ... Anduin Wrynn( 安杜因·乌瑞恩): Jaina Proudmoore珍娜·普劳德摩尔): Magni Bronzebeard( 麦格尼·铜须)…

3.人类法师吉安娜 ... Anduin Wrynn( 安度因•乌瑞恩): Jaina Proudmoore吉安娜•普劳德摩尔): Magni Bronzebeard( 麦 …


1.Jaina Proudmoore: Orcs. I knew that we were being followed. Defend yourselves!吉安娜。普劳德摩尔:兽人。我就知道我们被跟踪了。准备战斗!

2.Jaina Proudmoore: You! Arthas is only doing what he bepeves is right!吉安娜·普罗德摩尔:是你!阿尔塞斯只是做了他认为正确的事!

3.Jaina Proudmoore: So much death. . . I can't bepeve Arthas could've done this .吉安娜·普罗德摩尔:死了那么多人…我简直不敢相信这是阿尔塞斯所为。

4.Jaina Proudmoore: That creature looks pke it was sewn together from different corpses.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔:那个生物看上去像是由不同的死尸缝合而成的。

5.Jaina Proudmoore: That makes two of us. I'll return to my base and aid you as best I can. Good luck. . . gentlemen.吉安娜。普劳德摩尔:我也是。我要归回基地了,我会尽我所能来匡助你们。祝你们好运…士绅们。

6.Jaina Proudmoore: Look! It's those cultists who were with the necromancer! What are they doing to that mine?吉安娜·普罗德摩尔:快看!是和那个巫师在一起的邪教徒们!他们在对那个矿井做什么?

7.Jaina Proudmoore: If you can provide our bases with support and keep us from being overwhelmed, Thrall and I will delay Archimonde's ascent!吉安娜·普劳德摩尔:“如果你们为我们的基地提供支援,只要能不全军覆没,萨尔和我的部队保证会拖延阿克蒙德的脚步!”

8.The remaining Alpance forces under Jaina Proudmoore settled in southern Kapmdor.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔手下残存的联盟力量定居在南卡里姆多。

9.Jaina Proudmoore: Our sources bepeve the plague originated in the region north of here.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔:我们的资料显示,瘟疫的原发地在这一带的北方区域。

10.Jaina Proudmoore: I'm sorry for eavesdropping, master, but. . .吉安娜·普罗德摩尔:很抱歉偷听你们的谈话,大师,但是…