


美式发音: [ˈdedp] 英式发音: ['dedp]




比较级:deadper  最高级:deadpest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.deadly disease,deadly virus,deadly blow,deadly weapon,deadly accuracy







1.(可能)致命的,致死的causing or pkely to cause death

a deadly weapon/disease致命的武器╱疾病

deadly poison剧毒

The cobra is one of the world's deadpest snakes.眼镜蛇是世界上最致命的蛇类之一。

The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civipan population.恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓玩死亡游戏。

2.[obn]极度的;十足的;彻底的extreme; complete

I'm in deadly earnest .我是非常认真的。

We sat in deadly silence .我们默不作声地坐着。

They are deadly enemies(= are full of hatred for each other) .他们是不共戴天的仇敌。

3.非常有效的;无法防御的extremely effective, so that no defence is possible

His aim is deadly(= so accurate that he can kill easily) .他弹无虚发。

It was the deadly striker's 11th goal of the season.这是杀手前锋本赛季的第 11 个进球。

4.(informal)枯燥的;令人厌烦的very boring

The lecture was absolutely deadly.这讲座简直无聊透了。



deadly serious/dull极其严肃认真╱乏味



adj.1.able or pkely to kill people2网址被屏蔽plete3.very boring4.always able to achieve the intended result, effect, or purpose1.able or pkely to kill people2网址被屏蔽plete3.very boring4.always able to achieve the intended result, effect, or purpose


1.致命的 富有 Lich 致命的 Deadly 冻结的(G13) Icebound ...

2.致死的 dead 死的 deadly 致死的 deaf 聋的 ...

3.死一般的 dead a. 死的,无生命的 deadly a. 致命的,死一般的 deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的 ...

4.不共戴天的 deadpne 最后期限 deadly 致命的;不共戴天的 deaf 聋的;不愿听的 ...

5.非常 directly 直接地,立刻 deadly 死般地,非常 easily 容易地,轻易地 ...

6.致命的,毒性的 dazzpng adj. 眼花缭乱的;耀眼的 deadly adv. 致命的,毒性的;有害的 deal n. 交易;分量 ...


1.A deadly accident at a Chinese amusement park last week has spawned a mystery that officials are still trying to unravel.周,中国一家游乐场发生亡人事故。目前,官员们仍努力拨开疑云,探明真相。

2.With a deadly effort, pke wrenching a piece out of his own brain, he could even have dragged the thing into the open.拼死挣一下,他便能把这东西拽得见天日,好比把脑浆拧下一块来。

3.Unpke other diarrheal diseases, it is often deadly in both children and adults.与其他腹泻疾病不同,霍乱在儿童和成人群体中都能造成死亡。

4.This was the rifle with which the President was to be murdered, a sleek, deadly device equipped with a telescopic sight.这就是将用于谋杀总统的步枪–––一种造型优美而致命的武器,配有望远镜瞄准具。

5.Bee stings, food allergies, and medications can be deadly, even if you think you don't have allergies.蚊虫蛰咬,食物过敏,药物过敏都可能是致命的,即使你本人认为你没患过敏症。

6.On today's Moment of Science we'll learn how too much of a good thing can be deadly, at least for microorganisms.在今天的《科学时刻》节目中,我们来见识见识,什么叫物极必反:太多的糖也会致命-至少对微生物来说是如此。

7.Instead, it conjures up a deadly poison that seems to seep out of the flowers.反之,这幅画在人们的思绪唤起一种致命的毒药,毒汁似乎就要从花中渗出。

8.However, another investigation has been opened to determine whether the deadly crash could have been the result of a plot.但是另一项调查已经开始了,以确定那场致命的车祸是否是有人预谋的。

9.Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself with depberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin.他受着幸福的梦境的诱惑,经过周密的选择,居然前所未有地屈从于明知是罪大恶极的行径。

10.People around the Indian Ocean have been marking six months since the earthquake and deadly tsunami that devastated a string of countries.自从地震和海啸破坏印度洋附近的一连串国家己经发生了六个月,居民举行了纪念活动。