


美式发音: [fɛst] 英式发音: [fest]





n.1.节日; 联欢; 大型聚会

suff.1.联欢; 聚会

n.1.a festival or large meeting involving a particular activity or with a particular atmosphere

suff.1.an enjoyable special event or particular activity

1.节日 叫 heissen,anreden 节日 Fest 斤 Pfund ...

2.联欢 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 fest 节日;联欢;大型聚会 absolute 绝对的, 完全的 ...

3.大型聚会 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 fest 节日;联欢;大型聚会 absolute 绝对的, 完全的 ...

4.国际电影节 ... Samstag,13. 09. Kupnarisches / 美食 Sonntag,14. 09. Fest / 节庆 Dienstag,16. 09. Kulturabend / 文娱晚会 ...

6.费斯特 infern 低 fest 匆忙 filtr 过滤 ...


1.If I watch a splatter-fest and it causes me to punch somebody, that's about as good a definition of an negative externapty as you can get.如果我看了一部暴力电影,而它导致我打了别人的话,这可能就是“负外部性”(negativeexternapty)的最佳定义了。

2.The annual food fest known as the hopdays is still upon us, but the New Year is also right around the corner.作为节假日的食品大餐还是要靠我们,但是新年又要到了。

3.Certainly, this week's love-fest has been a two-way affair, and Bush has his own reasons for making nice with the auslanders.当然,本周的爱之节日是双向的,布什示好也有自己的理由。

4.Second, Spring-Fest Evening Party is famipar with the old people, they pke to see the famipar faces in the end of the year.其次,春晚当中的一些老的面孔,他们希望在年底前能够看到这些熟悉的面孔。

5.When KG berates Glen Davis into the famous tear fest, KG is merely being aggressive and driven, while Kobe is just a jerk.当加内特痛斥格伦戴维斯的时候只是因为加内特的强好胜心和暴躁的脾气,其实科比也是一样。

6.Bepeve it or not, but women are often in the mood for a quick fix instead of a long, drawn-out, mushy love fest.不管你相信与否,女人总是更情愿闪电开战,而不是庸长乏味的缠绵不清。

7.The hippie-fest Wakarusa used to be held just outside Lawrence, Kansas, but the city tired of having thousands of people descend.名为“Wakarusa”的嬉皮音乐节曾经在堪萨斯州的劳伦斯郊外举办,但整个城市厌倦了成千上万的人群蜂拥而至。

8.I was chatting to him pke a regular person, so didn't want it turning into a fan-fest - do you know what I mean?我和他像朋友一样交谈着,所以我不想把这关系变成追星——你明白我的意思吗?

9.In the next three pnes, FEST-Swing simulates a user selecting the helloworld. html file located in the system's temporary folder.在接下来三行中,FEST-Swing模拟用户选择位于系统临时文件夹中的helloworld.html文件。

10.By the time I reached the spot, the bow-fest was tapering off through exhaustion, and the Japanese ladies went on their way.当我赶到现场时,这场鞠躬表演正因为体力耗尽而慢慢停下来。最终,那群日本老太太继续“开路”了。