


美式发音: [dʒə'kɑ:tə] 英式发音: [dʒəˈkɑ:tə]







n.1.[City]the capital of Indonesia2.[Travel]capital and largest city of Indonesia, located in the center of the country, on the northwestern coast of the island of Java

1.雅加达 新德里( New Delhi) 雅加达( Jakarta) 大马士革( Damascus) ...

2.印尼 Izmir 伊兹密尔 土耳其 Jakarta 雅加达 印尼 Jidda 吉达 沙特阿拉伯 ...

3.印度尼西亚 Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔- 土耳其 Jakarta 雅加达- 印度尼西亚 Jipn 吉林- 中国 ...

4.雅加达首都特区 万丹省( Banten) 雅加达首都特区Jakarta) 西爪哇省( Jawa Barat) ...

5.耶加达 HO CHI MINH CITY 胡志明 JAKARTA 耶加达 JOHOR 桑佛 ...

6.印尼雅加达 Houston 美国-休斯敦 Jakarta 印尼-雅加达 Johannesburg 南非-约翰内斯堡 ...

7.雅加达自由行地图【旅行工具】雅加达自由行地图 雅加达自由行地图 (Jakarta)***原价¥25元(人民币),现在免费***雅加达自由行地图专为雅加达 …


1.THE hoardings on the slow car journey out of the centre of Jakarta are advertising just two items at the moment: smartphones and scooters.开着慢车驶离雅加达市中心的途中,所见的广告牌此时正在宣传两样东西:智能手机和摩托车。

2.did not study medicine , despite spending a year in Jakarta preparing for the entrance exams .最终,马格达利亚没有学医,尽管她在雅加达花了一年时间准备入学考试。

3.The next day an astute doctor alerted health authorities and sent blood and tissue samples to a U. S. Navy medical research unit in Jakarta.第二天,一名机警的医生通报了卫生当局,并将血液和组织样本送到美国海军雅加达分部的研究单位。

4.He said he has accepted ASEAN's invitation to join the East Asia Summit, which will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2011.他说,他已经接受了东盟的邀请,参加定于2011年在印尼雅加达(Jakarta)举行的东亚峰会(EastAsiaSummit)。

5.Six men, neatly dressed in white shirts and ties filed into(file in) the boardroom of a small Jakarta company and sat down at a long table.六个人,穿着洁净的白色衬衫和领带,鱼贯进入一个Jakarta的小型公司的会议室,坐在会议桌前

6.The Jakarta Post reported that researchers from Airlangga University in Surabaya, Central Java, are ready to develop a vaccine.雅加达邮报报道说,来自中爪哇Airlangga大学的科学家已经开发出了一种疫苗。

7.The stories in the news the next day were filed from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur, not Dip. It was all secondhand news.第二天新闻上的故事居然是从雅加达或者吉隆坡发来的,而不是从帝力来的——完完全全的二手消息。

8.Already, Indonesians had removed a statue of him that had been built in a pubpc park in Jakarta.印尼人已经把在一个雅加达公共公园给奥巴马树立的塑像拆除。

9.What she does not know is that she is at the heart of a battle being fought here in Jakarta - over alcohol.然而她却不知道,她正处于雅加达酒水争夺战之中。

10.Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, is under up to two meters of water. Forty percent of the city is under the surface of sea water.印度尼西亚首都雅加达淹水最高达两公尺,四成地区都浸在海水中,观光胜地峇里岛亦遭水患。