


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈə:ni.ɜrni]





n.1.in the United Kingdom, the machine used for drawing winning premium bond numbers

1.厄尼 Ernestine 欧内斯廷(f.) Ernie 摇奖机 Eros [希神]爱神, 愿望, 性爱 ...

4.厄尔尼 罗萨莉·唐森 Rosario Dawson 艾尼·密斯科 Ernie 导演:彼得·伯格 Peter Berg ...

7.欧尼 车站大都市图片 station metro 欧尼图片 Ernie 水革命图片 water-revolution ...


1.But Ernie Hon, a strategist at ICEA Securities, said he expects bulpsh sentiment in the U. S. will continue to support the local market.但厄尼议员,一个在工商东亚证券分析师说,他预计看涨人气在美国将继续支持本地市场。

2.Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS.厄尼在拖地板,他回头看到了诺顿典狱长在十几个守卫的随从下来到牢房。

3.The refugee boy not only led, as it turned out, he was the only former student of Ernie Kaeselau's to cry at his memorial.结果,那个难民男孩不仅是厄尼·科瑟劳当时的第一个,也是在这个追思会上流泪的惟一一个学生。

4.Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher has ordered flags at all state office buildings to be lowered to half-staff in memory of Frederick.肯塔基州州长埃米。弗莱彻已经下令所有州政府办公楼下半旗向费雷德里克致哀。

5.In the case of Captain Ernie Blanchard, the U. S. Coast Guard's top spokesman, that was even truer than usual.在船长的厄尼布兰查德,美国海岸防卫队的首席发言人,这甚至比平常更真实的情况。

6.'Thanks, Ernie, ' I said, and sppped him half a pack of Camels.“多谢!”我说,偷偷递给他半包骆驼牌香烟。

7.Ernie yue: "today Ze if JiZi JiZi, and shall not be with child, and no brothers, for the king and brothers superimposed on JiZi rulers. "遏曰:“今若是迮而与季子,季子必不受,请无与子而与弟,弟兄迭为君而致诸侯乎季子。”

8.I watched Ernie with his children and saw the love between them.我看见埃尼和他的孩子们,也感受到了他们之间的爱。

9.Ernie shifts the wheel back and forth but doesn't really steer the bus along the road specifically, he's making the magic work.厄恩来来回回地旋转着方向盘,但是没有特意地操纵汽车沿路而行,他使用的是魔法。

10."At least we have a nice view, " Ernie deadpanned as he opened the drapes in our room to reveal a scrap yard.“至少景色还不错,”厄尼面无表情地说,他打开我们房间的窗帘,一个废料场呈现出来。