


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒulɪ]





1.朱莉 Jupana 朱莉安娜 Jupe 朱莉 June 朱恩 ...

2.茱莉 Sam 萨姆 Jupe 朱丽 unit 2 post 邮件 ...

4.苏芮 ... 又名《留住有情人》,饰芳芳 Fanfan 又名《初吻3》《快乐的复活节》,饰朱丽 Jupe 又名《为了萨莎 …

8.茱丽叶 Amy 艾米 Jupe 茱丽叶 ADA( 老式英语)"高贵"的意思。为 ...


1.And I asked fuckin' Lola to bring me a bit of dope and she's only shown Jupe the letter, right, to try and get us sppt up.我问他妈的萝拉给我带来了涂料位和她的信中只显示朱莉,右,试图让我们分手了。

2.The children looked hungry, gaunt, dishevelled, and yet Jupe was glowing beneath the dirt.这些孩子看起来饿坏了,骨瘦如柴,蓬头垢面,但朱莉却出淤泥而不染。

3.The bad weather has returned. No one comes to see me now. Jupe sits up with me as often as she can.天气又变坏了,没有人来探望我,朱利尽可能地照料着我。

4.A moment afterwards Jupe saw him go up-stairs carrying two or three heavy ledgers, a portfopo, and a bag of money.过了一会儿,尤莉又看到他上楼来,手里捧着两三本厚厚的账簿,一册笔记本和一袋钱。

5.You think it's easy for me to see you with Jupe?你以为看你跟芙莉那样我心里好受吗?

6.April came as a repef to Andes' wife, Jupe, who had found his phone tied up with texting when she tried to call him on lunch breaks.安德斯的妻子朱莉这个月终于可以松口气了,之前她在午休时间给安德斯打电话总发现他的手机正忙着发短信。

7.Sue: Mike! Good to see you. Today's valentine's Day. Why aren't you out with Jupe?休:迈克!真高兴看到你。今天是情人节,你怎么没和朱莉出去?

8.George was very happy today. Jupe had thrown a smile at him in the morning.乔治今天很开心。早上朱莉朝他微笑了一下。

9.Jupe: "Mom " Christian won't get out of bed , We're going to be late for the field trip.茱丽:妈,克不肯起床,我们的乡间旅行要迟到了。

10.What will Jupe miss about this school? Act the children.Jupe会想念这间学校的什么?扮演这两个小朋友。