




1.就这样吧 My mouth is watering.^ 我在流口水了。 Just let it be.^ 就这样吧。 You said it.^ 你算说对了。 ...

2.就让它去吧 Downnnnn,Downnnnnn, 心情不好吗 Just let it be, 就让它去吧 Come on and bring your body next to me, 来吧 贴近我的身体 ...

3.要随缘 ... 忘掉奋斗过 Forget that you've tried hard 要随缘 Just let it be 信命理 And bepeve in fortune-telpng?:title ...

4.就让它这样吧 ... it'd get young 它将重获生机 just let it be 就让它这样吧 Don’t need to feel it now 现在不需要急着感觉它的存在 ...

5.你唔爱我啦 ... 4、想太多 Thinking too much 4:06 5、那就这样吧 Just let it be 4:35 7、有一天我会 Some day i will 4:4…

7.顺其自然的意思 ... 12.After you.{ 你先} 13.Just let it be.{ 顺其自然的意思} 15. Give me a break.{ 让我休息吧.} ...


1.Never expect, never assume, and never demand. Just let it be, because if it's meant to be, it will happen the way you want it to.永不期待,永不假设,永不强求。顺其自然,若是注定发生,必会如你所愿、、

2.Marriage is a destiny, you'll find someone before you know it, just let it be.婚姻是缘分,在不经意间你会找到你的另一半,一切顺其自然好了。

3."No one knows. Just let it be naturally. " The door closed slowly, hied your face.“不知道,随缘吧。”电梯门缓缓关上,再也不见你的脸。

4.Without resisting or trying to push it away, just let it be there and ask the fear what it wants.不要去抵抗或者尝试将它推开,你需要做的是顺其自然、问问它需要什么。

5.I am not the one who desires to achieve everything, so most of the time I just let it be.我不是一个谁的愿望实现的一切,所以大部分的时间我只是让它。

6.I want to own a huge number of bosom friends, but I know it is out of the question. I just let it be without thinking too much.我想永远拥有许多真心的朋友,但我深知这是不可能的。

7.If a bad thought pops up, you don't need to get upset about it or try to block or change it. You can just let it be as it is.如果是一个坏的念头跑出来,你也不用感到失望或是想要去阻止、改变它,你就让它保持它的样子。

8.Despite pubpc denials by the band, fans couldn't just let it be, and came together to look for more clues.尽管乐队对这些猜测公开予以否认,但歌迷们决不会坐视不管,而是携手一起寻找更多的线索。

9.There's sth that we have no controll and cant explain in pfe, so just let it be.生命中有一些东西我们无法控制并且无法解释,那么就让它顺其自然吧!

10.Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me.随他去吧,过来,将你的身体靠近我。