




1.卡茨 伊帕德商学院 Ipade 匹茨堡大学卡兹商学院 University of Pittsburgh:Katz ...

6.匹兹堡大学凯兹商学院 ... 纽约州纽约市( New York, NY) 匹兹堡大学凯兹商学院( Pittsburgh: Katz) 宾州匹兹堡市( Pittsburg…

7.凯子位於艾瑟克斯郡巴斯尔敦地区的「凯子」(Katz),是一家有钢管脱衣舞表演夜总会。他们的老板想到这里举办婚礼,起源於 …


1.James E. Katz, a professor of communications at Rutgers University, said the company was experiencing "a coming-of-age problem. "罗格斯大学一位研究人类交流的教授JamesE.Katz说,Facebook正经历一个即将到来的时代问题。

2.Fischer says Katz sometimes called her answering machine late at night, pleading with her to join him.Fischer说Katz有时候会在深夜在电话上给她留言,请求她来陪他。

3.Lawrence Katz, an economist at Harvard, said the evidence for the presumed adverse effects of economic segregation was inconclusive.哈佛大学的经济学家劳伦斯.卡茨,说经济隔离的负面影响尚无定论。

4."He thought it was ridiculous that a 30-year-old man would have to beg his mother for a check from his own company, " Kiehnau says.“Katz觉着,一个30岁的男人从他自己的公司取钱出来,还要央求自己的母亲,这是一件很荒谬的事情。”Kiehnau说。

5.Mr. Katz dismissed a suggestion that the presence of a Chinese brand in such a marquee location might discomfort some Americans.凯兹也反对美国人会因为在这些露天地点看到中国品牌广告而感到不爽的这一说法。

6.Cardiac surgeon Dr. Marc R. Katz, who has lost 35 pounds in a year on a vegan diet, visits Ellwood Thompson's Local Market.心脏手术医生马克·卡茨(MarcR.Katz)食用纯素食饮食一年里已减掉35磅,正来到埃尔伍·德汤普森当地市场。

7.Katz says she only got interested in money and investments when her father died and her mother needed help in financial matters.凯兹说她是在父亲去世后母亲需要钱花时,才开始对理财和投资感兴趣的。

8.One possible compromise might be broader-scale retraining and apprenticeship programs, suggests Lawrence Katz, a labor economist at Harvard.哈佛的劳动经济学家劳伦斯卡茨提出了这样的建议,折中的办法是比较广泛的进行再培训和学徒项目。

9.Fischer says Katz showered her and other dancers with gifts, often taking groups of them with him to Las Vegas.Fischer说Katz给她和其他舞女买了大量的礼品,经常带着她们成群结队去拉斯维加斯。

10.Phil Katz was a quiet, asthmatic child whose athletic pursuits as a kid went no further than riding dirt bikes in his Glendale neighborhood.PhilKatz是一个安静的患有哮喘的孩子,他最高的运动成就,不过是在Glendale附近跑跑越野摩托车。