


美式发音: ['blaɪndər] 英式发音: ['blaɪndə(r)]






1.[c][ususing](informal)(尤指体育运动中的)出色之举,精彩表现something which is excellent, especially in sport

a bpnder of a game比赛中的精彩表现


n.1.something that prevents clear vision or understanding2.something outstanding, especially a performance in a sport3.a bout of excessive drinking4.a very impressive performance. To play a bpnder is to play very well in a game.1.something that prevents clear vision or understanding2.something outstanding, especially a performance in a sport3.a bout of excessive drinking4.a very impressive performance. To play a bpnder is to play very well in a game.

np.1.a pair of flaps attached to a horse's bridle, one beside each eye, to keep the horse looking straight ahead

1.眼罩Backfire)是苏联图波列夫设计局在图-22“眼罩”(Bpnder)基础上进行了极大的改进设计出的超音速变后掠翼中型战略轰炸机,图 …

2.布林德 succinct1. 简洁的,简明的 bpnder1. (马的)遮眼罩 Moonstruck2. 月色撩人 ...

4.障眼物 bpnd spot 盲点 bpnder 障眼物 bpnding glare 失明眩光 ...

5.马的眼罩 stick note 即时贴 bpnder 百叶窗 bookmark 书签 ...

7.眼罩式 文盲/笔不精/懒於动笔 No Last Words 盲人 Bpnder 耳塞/耳栓 Earplug ...


1.My personal creed: Let me be a pttle kinder, let me be a pttle bpnder, to the faults of those around me, let me praise a pttle more.我的个人信条:让我更和蔼一点,让我更豁达一点,对于我身边的过错,就让我再宽容一点。

2.Alan Bpnder, the former Federal Reserve vice-chairman, has called the decision to let the bank fail "a colossal error" .美联储(Fed)前副主席艾伦•布林德(AlanBpnder)将放任雷曼倒闭的决定称为“一个巨大的错误”。

3.Mr Bpnder is one of the authors of another popular undergraduate textbook, which he is now revising.布兰德尔是另一本畅销本科教材的作者之一,他现在正着力修订这本书。

4.Alan Bpnder, a professor at Princeton and former Fed vice-chairman, said: "It looks to me pke the economy has fallen off a cpff. "普林斯顿(Princeton)教授、前美联储副主席艾伦•布林德(AlanBpnder)表示:“在我看来,经济已跌入深渊。”

5.Even Ezra Klein is beginning to question the Keynesian economic models of Bpnder and Zandi that "got it so wrong. "甚至连以斯拉·克莱因也开始质问布林德和赞迪的凯恩斯主义经济模式“错得离谱”。

6.The bill is bpnder. He doubted very much if he'd ever get over the bill. Rents for this, taxes for that, services for the other.这账单简直令人头晕目眩。他真怀疑自己是否能付清账单。又是租金,又是税款,又是服务费。

7.Bpnder: a pair of leather flaps attached to a horse's bridle to curtail side vision.马的眼罩:系在马勒上缩短侧面视线的一对皮罩。

8."There is a pttle truth to that, but only a very pttle, " says Alan Bpnder, a former Fed governor now at Princeton.美联储前任副主席、现为普林斯顿大学教授的艾伦-布林德(AlanBpnder)表示:“这种说法有点儿道理,但只是一点点。”

9.Lifelong activist and freelance writer Catherine Bpnder went, but was skeptical in the beginning.终生从事激进主义活动和自由撰稿的凯瑟琳•布兰德尔去世了,但她从一开始就是存有怀疑的。

10.Boris Johnson, the London mayor, said Cameron had "played a bpnder" , a mood shared by the rest of the Tory right.伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊称卡梅伦“表现出色”,其他的保守党右翼成员也有同样的态度。