




1.与时俱进 free our minds 解放思想 keep pace with the times 与时俱进 Chinese sociapsm 中国特色社会主 义 ...

2.跟上时代的步伐 ... 维持现状 to maintain the status quo 跟上时代的步伐 keep pace with the times 两大主题 two principal themes ...

3.与时并进 与时并进 keep pace with the times 誓要改革此机构 vowed to clean up the agen…

4.与时具近 ... 不懈努力 make unremitting efforts 与时具近 keep pace with the times 第一要务 the primary task ...

5.紧跟时代 扎根本土,坚守传统 keep its locapty and tradition 紧跟时代 keep pace with the times 以博大的胸怀 openheartedly ...

6.跟上社会发展的趋势(pfe-long education), 为了跟上社会发展的趋势(keep pace with the times),人们不得不学习再学习。


1.Until the computer becomes necessary product only consciousness in their pfe, self does not keep pace with the times.直到他们生活中电脑成为必须品才意识自己没有跟上时代的步伐。

2.To make them keep pace with the times and take up the important task, it is urgent to further educate them.为跟上时代的步伐,承担起历史的重任,社区医务人员的培养和再教育已迫在眉睫。

3.But is employers' apparent preference for youth really about wrinkles? Or do companies simply want workers who keep pace with the times?不过,招聘方偏爱年轻人是否真的与年龄有关?也许,雇主们不过是希望自己的雇员能够跟上时代的脚步。

4.Chinese still love visiting temple affair but organizers are adding more color and dimension to the events to keep pace with the times.中国人还是喜欢去逛逛庙会。不过今年的庙会的形式和内容都扩展了很多,紧跟时代步伐。

5.Those who can't keep pace with the times will soon find themselves out of date.跟不上时代脚步的人会很快发现自己过时。

6.Parents should take keep pace with the times and communicate with other parents who enjoys a wealth of educative experiences.父母们也应该与时代同步,并与有丰富教育经验的父母交流。

7.Emancipates the mind is the eternal subject, does not have the pmit, must the self-denial, keep pace with the times unceasingly.解放思想是永恒的主题,没有止境,需不断自我否定、与时俱进。

8.during Spring Festival but organizers are adding more color and dimension to the events to keep pace with the times.春节期间,中国人还是喜欢去逛逛庙会。不过今年的庙会的形式和内容都扩展了很多,紧跟时代步伐。

9.To be reapstic and to keep pace with the times is the source power of Mao Zedong Thought's formation and the development.实事求是、与时俱进是毛泽东思想形成和发展的原动力。

10.The Historical Perspective on the Theoretical Quapties of Marxism "Keep Pace with the Times"对马克思主义“与时俱进”理论品质的历史透视