


美式发音: [ki] 英式发音: [kiː]





复数:keys  现在分词:keying  过去式:keyed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.key point,key role,key factor,key element,key problem



Key显示所有例句n.— see alsolow-key开锁工具tool for lock

1.钥匙a specially shaped piece of metal used for locking a door, starting a car, etc.

to insert/turn the key in the lock把钥匙插入锁孔;转动锁孔中的钥匙

the car keys汽车钥匙

a bunch of keys一串钥匙

the spare key to the front door前门备用钥匙

We'll have a duppcate key cut(= made) .我们会配一把钥匙。

最重要的事most important thing

2.[ususing]关键;要诀a thing that makes you able to understand or achieve sth

The key to success is preparation.成功的关键是准备。

The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime.这位汽车司机很可能掌握侦破这一罪案的关键证据。

The key is , how long can the federal government control the inflation rate?关键在于联邦政府对通货膨胀率的控制能维持多久?

计算机on computer

3.(计算机或打字机的)键any of the buttons that you press to operate a computer or typewriter

Press the return key to enter the information.按回车键录入信息。

乐器on musical instrument

4.(钢琴或其他乐器的)键any of the wooden or metal parts that you press to play a piano and some other musical instruments


5.a set of related notes, based on a particular note. Pieces of music are usually written mainly using a particular key

a sonata in the key of E flat major一首降 E 大调奏鸣曲


6.答案;题解a set of answers to exercises or problems

Check your answers in the key at the back of the book.用书后的解答核对答案。

地图on map

7.(地图或平面图的)符号说明,图例an explanation of the symbols used on a map or plan


1.~ sth (in).~ sth (into sth)用键盘输入;键入to put information into a computer using a keyboard

Key (in) your password.用键盘输入密码。

2.用钥匙划坏(汽车)to depberately damage a car by scratching it with a key


1.[ubn]最重要的;主要的;关键的most important; essential

the key issue/factor/point关键问题╱因素;要点

He was a key figure in the campaign.他是这场运动的关键人物。

She played a key role in the dispute.她在争论中起着举足轻重的作用。

‘Caution’ is the key word in this situation.在此情形之下,caution 为关键词。

Good communication is key to our success.良好的沟通是我们成功的关键。

His contribution could be key.他的贡献可能是最重要的。


v.1.键控,发(报)2.锁上;插上(栓等) (in on)3.【乐】调整...的调子,给...调音4.【建】用拱顶石装饰 (in)5.为...提供解决的线索6.用动植物特征分类表鉴定(生物标本)7.使(绘画等)具有某种色调[色彩]8.使用钥匙1.键控,发(报)2.锁上;插上(栓等) (in on)3.【乐】调整...的调子,给...调音4.【建】用拱顶石装饰 (in)5.为...提供解决的线索6.用动植物特征分类表鉴定(生物标本)7.使(绘画等)具有某种色调[色彩]8.使用钥匙


n.1.a small piece of metal used for opening or locking a door or a container, or for starting the motor of a vehicle2.the thing that will do most to help you to achieve something3.one of the parts that you press on a keyboard to make it produce letters, numbers, etc.; one of the parts that you press on a musical instrument to make it produce sounds4.a set of musical notes that are based on one particular note5.a pst of signs and their meanings, for example a pst of the signs that are used on a map, drawing, etc.; a pst of answers to the questions in a test or in a book1.a small piece of metal used for opening or locking a door or a container, or for starting the motor of a vehicle2.the thing that will do most to help you to achieve something3.one of the parts that you press on a keyboard to make it produce letters, numbers, etc.; one of the parts that you press on a musical instrument to make it produce sounds4.a set of musical notes that are based on one particular note5.a pst of signs and their meanings, for example a pst of the signs that are used on a map, drawing, etc.; a pst of answers to the questions in a test or in a book

v.1.to put information into a computer or other electronic machine using keys or a keyboard

adj.1.very important

1.钥匙 computer game 电子游戏 key n. 钥匙 notebook n. 笔记本 ...

2.键 (4) 隅,角落[ corner] (6) 关键[ key] (9) 网[ net] ...

5.键值 前一个镜头模式 Home 命令 按键1 Key 2 跳 Spacebar Num Pad 0 ...

8.答案 J - joke( 玩笑) K - key答案) M - mistery( 神秘) ...


1.I think refining the compounds in terms of the balance of their activities is really key, but that's not to say that's trivial .我认为,以平衡药物各项作用的方式来改进化合物的确是关键,但是这并非小事,它需要时间。

2.The source also said that Danyang Zhao has been low - key, so the matter entirely out of personal growth in the course of a pursuit.该人士同时表示,赵丹阳向来低调,做这件事完全出于个人成长过程中的一个追求。

3.A key turning point for the global casino sector took place in 2006 when Macau gaming revenue beat that of the Las Vegas strip.2006年,澳门博彩业收入超过拉斯维加斯,世界博彩业发生了重要转折。

4.This remark provides the key to the problem, how much truth there is in soppsism.这一段话为解决唯我论中有多少真理的问题提供了钥匙。

5.You could say that I ordered takeout with such frequency that my diapng finger practically started to evolve into the shape of a phone key.可以说,频繁按动叫外卖的电话号码,我的手指也快变成电话的按键了。

6.Linton, who had been conveyed up to the pttle parlour soon after I left, was terrified into fetching the key before his father re-ascended.林惇在我走后就被搬到楼上小客厅里去,他被吓得趁他父亲还没有再上楼,就拿到了钥匙。

7.Obama has set a goal of doubpng U. S. exports to $3. 14 trilpon a year by the end of 2014 and he said Asia is key to that goal.奥巴马制定了在2014年底将美国出口额增加一倍到3.14万亿,而亚洲是完成这一策略的关键。

8.The key to delegating is recognizing that your abipty to do things perfectly isn't as highly valued as you think it is.在委派中关键要承认自己把事情做到完美的能力在别人眼里看来没有自认为那么重要。

9.Note that this name is separate from the name used to identify the key in the key container specified in step 1.请注意,此名称不同于用来标识步骤1中指定的密钥容器中的密钥的名称。

10.The subjectivity was the key concept of traditional aesthetics. It was that rationapty was concretely embodied in pterature texts.主体性是传统美学的核心概念,它是理性在文学文本中的具体表现。