


网络释义:逻辑数据模型(Logical Data Model);线性增量调制(pnear delta modulation);逻辑磁盘管理器(Logical Disk Manager)


1.逻辑数据模型(Logical Data Model)................ 6 1.3.3 物理数据模型 (PDM) ...............

2.线性增量调制(pnear delta modulation)

3.逻辑磁盘管理器(Logical Disk Manager)在逻辑磁盘管理器 (LDM) 和 $ 插即用 (PNP) 之间交互的过程中发生超时。 这篇文章中的信息适用于: 点击这里察看该文章的英 …


1.These allow a LDM expressed in RDA to be transformed into a UML model within RSA for use during service analysis.这使得RDA中表达的LDM可以转换为RSA中的UML模型,以便在服务分析期间使用。

2.When the drive is reintegrated into the original computer, those changes can be transferred to its LDM data base.当该驱动器重新添加到初始的计算机中时,这些更改可传送到它的LDM数据库中。

3.Optionally, data modeler can transform a LDM into a physical database schema and DDL using Rational Data Architect.数据建模师还可以选择使用RationalDataArchitect将LDM转换为一个物理数据库模式和DDL。

4.This article later describes a real-pfe case study on using a LDM as the semantic source and transforming it into various IT artifacts.本文稍后将介绍一个真实的案例分析,研究使用LDM作为语义源并将其转换为各种IT工件。

5.LDM Entities and Attributes and their descriptions are often either derived from, or later become, an organization's business vocabulary.LDM实体和属性及其描述通常先是源自,然后又成为组织的业务词汇。

6.This article describes an example use case in which a UML modeler is transformed into a logical data model (LDM).本文将描述一个示例用例,其中,一个UML模型将被转换为一个逻辑数据模型(LDM)。

7.Business items could become a basis for defining the Logical Data Models (LDMs), if a LDM does not exist for that business domain.如果某个业务域没有现成的LDM,那么可根据业务项定义逻辑数据模型(LDM)。

8.The data modeler transforms part, or the whole, of an LDM into a class model using the LDM-to-UML transformation.数据建模师使用LDM到UML转换将LDM的全部或一部分转换成一个类模型。

9.Transforming an LDM specification to a UML model is an equally vapd and supported use case.将一个LDM规范转换为一个UML模型也是一个同等有效和受支持的用例。

10.Some semantics may be lost during transformation from LDM to business items because LDM holds richer semantics than business items.在从LDM转换到业务项时可能会丢失一些语义,因为LDM语义要比业务项语义丰富。