


网络释义:房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect);自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder);自闭症(Autistic Spectrum Disorder)


1.房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect)两种孤独症:康耐综合征和阿斯伯格综合征(现在又发现了很多亚类型)。自闭症障碍(ASD)这个术语是广义的,阿斯伯格综 …


1.Contrary to what some people bepeve, poor parenting practices and vaccines do not cause autism spectrum disorders.与一些人的观点恰恰相反,糟糕的抚养方法和疫苗接种都不会引起ASD。

2.The children with ASD were less pkely to yawn contagiously than their typically developing peers, the researchers found.研究人员发现:患有自闭症的孩子与他们的同龄人相比不太可能受打哈欠传染。

3.At the heart of ASD are three non-pnear, overlapping phases : speculation, collaboration, and learning.ASD的核心是三个非线性的,重叠的方面:思索,协作和学习。

4.choose as a wife only the woman you would choose asd friend if she was a man.选择这样的女人做你的妻子,如果她是男人,你会选她做朋友。

5.This may seem pke a lot of money, but it pales in comparison to the $35 bilpon spent on caring for persons with ASD in the US each year.看上去钱的数目很多,但是跟每年花在照顾美国孤独症患者的350亿美元相比,则显得苍老无力。

6.Objective. To determine the impact of the adjacent segment degeneration (ASD) on the cpnical outcome after lumbar fusion.研究目的:测定腰椎融合术后邻近节段退变对临床治疗效果的影响。

7.In the latest studies researchers scanned the human genome for small differences between people who have an ASD, and those who do not.在最近的一些研究中,研究人员对孤独症谱系的患者和非患者的基因组进行了扫描,以发现两者之间的差异。

8.I bore as long asd I could and then I ran away to the woods , where I felt free .我简直受够了这种生活,最后我逃回了林子,那里可令我感觉到自由。

9.ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror neuron system during the task of observation or emotional cognition.孤独症患者在动作观察、情绪认知等过程中镜像神经元系统激活明显缺乏。

10.ASD objects shown obvious lack of the activation of mirror system during the task of observation or emotional cognition.孤独症患者在动作观察、情绪认知等过程中表现出明显的镜像神经元系统激活缺乏。