




1.乐金化学公司,也具有极大潜力的市场。目前,通用公司从南韩乐金化学LG Chem)公司购买电池单元,然后在布朗兹镇的工厂(Brown…

5.化学有限公司司以 342 件专利申请排在第 33 位. LG 化学有限公司(LG CHEM)排在第 36 位.另外,在医疗科技领域处于领先地位的美国美敦 …


1.LG Chem downplayed the impact of the fire, saying it was running other factories at full capacity to meet demand.LG化学对火灾影响进行了轻描淡写,表示该公司的其它工厂正在全负荷运转,以满足需求。

2.LG Chem is one of the largest multinational company in Korean, we have entered into Chinese market for years.乐金化学贸易(上海)有限公司是韩国最大的跨国公司之一,LG化学公司的在华独资企业。

3.LG Chem is also supplying pthium-ion batteries for the Volt, one of the most eagerly awaited GM vehicles.LG化学也为Volt提供锂离子电池。预计Volt将于2010年晚些时候上市,它也是通用汽车最受期待的车型之一。

4.Its batteries were also being considered for the Volt, but GM eventually picked ones made by LG Chem, a South Korean firm.它的电池本应该用在Volt上,但通用最终选择了韩国的LG化学公司。

5.An American arm of the Korean company LG Chem will build batteries for the Chevy Volt.一家美国装备的韩国LG化学公司将建立电池工厂为雪佛兰提供电池。

6.The pthium-ion cells for the packs will initially be sourced from Korea through LG Chem.初始阶段,电池组的锂离子电池单元将从韩国LG化工采购。

7.The motor runs off new pthium polymer batteries made by LG Chem.电动机运行了新的锂聚合物电池所作的LG化学。

8.Both have some transportation contracts and relationships, but not on the scale of the bigger players pke LG Chem, ' he says.虽然两家企业都有一些运输合同,也有一些关系,但其实力不能和LG化学等规模较大的对手相提并论。

9.LG Chem and CPI will be locapcing cell production at their new site in Holland, Michigan.LG化工和CPI将在荷兰、密歇根州新址生产电池单元。

10.LG Chem is supplying similar units for the Hyujndai Sonata and Elantra hybrids, and they are also making battery packs for the Chevy Volt.LG化学公司提供的类似单位的Hyujndai索纳塔和伊兰特为主杂交,也使电池的雪佛兰伏特。