


美式发音: [ˌkætəˈɡɔrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌkætəˈɡɒrɪk(ə)l]








1.明确的;绝对的expressed clearly and in a way that shows that you are very sure about what you are saying

to make a categorical statement发表明确声明

to give a categorical assurance提供绝对保证


adj.1.clear and definite about what you mean

1.绝对的 catastrophe ? n. 大灾难 categorical adj. 无条件的,绝对的 cathopc ? adj. 普遍的包容的 ...

2.无条件的 catastrophe ? n. 大灾难 categorical adj. 无条件的,绝对的 cathopc ? adj. 普遍的包容的 ...

3.明确 明渠〖 openditch〗 明确categorical;definite;clear-cut〗 明确〖 pinpoint〗 ...

4.分类 ... catastrophr adj. 无条件的,绝对的;分类的 categorical n. 类别,范畴 catsgory v. 迎合;提供饮食及服务 ...

7.绝对主义 carrion n. 腐肉 categorical a. 无条件的,绝对的;分类的 catharsis n. 宣泄,净化 ...


1.To be free, in the sense of autonomous, requires that I act not out of a hypothetical imperative but out of a categorical imperative.为了获得自由,在自主的范畴内需要我的行为,不是出于“假言命令”,而是出于“定言命令”。

2.And I maintain that the kind of formal moral obpgation described in Kant's categorical imperative does not actually exist.我主张在康德描述的绝对命令的形式道德义务事实上是不存在的。

3.Students are able to understand and apply the categorical data analysis.学生能瞭解并应用类别资料分析。

4.She instantly added, changing her sweet and ambiguous tone into a categorical and clear one, completely destroying my wishful thinking.她随即补充一句,语调由甜蜜暧昧变得斩钉截铁明白无误,并彻底摧毁我的一厢情愿。

5.Orders seem categorical in a way that considerations of self-interest do not.命令似乎是无条件的,而对自身利益的关注并非如此。

6.The categorical names are often combined, with a six-carbon-atom aldehyde sugar being termed an aldohexose.命名常以化合的形式产生,一个六个碳原子的醛糖被称为已醛糖。

7.Now I shall explain briefly how to achieve the best on the whole for the logical sequence in the categorical system.下面试简略地说明,怎样使范畴系统的逻辑顺序在整体上达到最优。

8.A categorical waiver will enable HIV-positive people to enter the United States for short visits through a streampned process.无条件豁免将使艾滋病病毒试验呈阳性的人能通过简化程序获得短期访美的签证。

9.Furthermore you will learn some of the basic facts about quantifiers , and categorical propositions and inferences involving quantifiers .此外,你将学会有关限定词以及包含限定词的分类命题和推断的一些基本事实。

10.Many real-world data streams have both continuous attributes and categorical attributes, which are usually called heterogeneous attributes.目前还没有能在算法层次上进行混合属性数据流聚类的算法。