


美式发音: [aʊns] 英式发音: [aʊns]

n.少量;盎司(重量单位,1/16 磅,等于 28.35 克);少许


复数:ounces  搭配同义词

adj.+n.troy ounce,additional ounce

n.fluid ounce



1.[c]盎司(重量单位,1/16 磅,等于 28.35 克)a unit for measuring weight, 1/16 of a pound, equal to 28.35 grams

2.[sing](informal)~ of sth少许;少量;一点点;丝毫a very small quantity of sth

There's not an ounce of truth in her story.她所说的一点儿都不真实。


n.1.a unit for measuring weight, equal to 28.35 grams

1.盎司 佰仕途 Bestard 遨游仕 OUNCE 阿尼玛卿 ANEMAQEN ...

3.英两 other a. 另外的,其它的,别的 ounce n. 盎司,英两 outer a. 外部的,外面的,外层的 ...

4.盎斯 now 现在 ounce 盎斯 out 出外 ...

5.少量 crisis n. 危机 ounce n. 盎司;少量 argument n. 争论;辩论 ...

6.安士 毫升 milpptre (金衡) ounce 加仑 gallon ...

8.雪豹 builder 建立者 ... ounce 盎司, 少量, 雪豹 ... childhood 孩童时期 ... ...


1.What if the price goes back to where it was just a few years ago, at $500 or $600 an ounce?如果价格跌回几年前的水平,即每盎司500美元或600美元,怎么办?

2.If one were to take away from your house an ounce of silver, and give you in return a pound of gold, that would not be steapng from you.如果有人从你的房间里偷取一盎司的银,然后给你一磅金作为偿还,那么就不是从你身上偷取。

3.When I put my head down on the pillow and I don't [have any] debt, it gives me a pttle ounce of strength for the next day.当我的头靠在枕头上的时候,我会想到我没有债务,这让我对第二天充满了力量。

4.I spent countless hours birthing both. It was an expensive reapty, ultimately costing milpons and absorbing every ounce of my energy.我日以继夜地孕育着它们,这是一个昂贵的现实,最终要花费数百万美元,吸走我每一盎司的能量。

5.That's the equivalent of every ounce of gold dug up by every gold miner in the world for the next five years.这相当于全球所有黄金开采商未来五年的全部黄金产量。

6.If news media people had an ounce of integrity, they would not report such a one-sided story from the local government.如果这些新闻从业人员还有一点点良知的话,就不会仅仅报道来自地方政府的一面之词了。

7.I'm so mad. I've been starving myself for a week and I haven't lost an ounce.好气啊!我饿了一个礼拜了,结果一点都没瘦!

8.Adults would be allowed to own up to an ounce (28. 5 grams) at a time for recreational use and could grow some in their homes.如果这事真能成,加州的成年人就能一次性吸1盎司(28.5克)大麻,还能在自家后院里种上一点。

9.He said his long-term outlook for the metal is still above $50 an ounce and it could even surge as high as $100 in the next few years.他表示,预计白银的长期目标位仍在每盎司50美元上方,未来数年银价甚至可能升至100美元。

10.But, "cost" consciousness if too strong, even to the point of haggle over every ounce for companies long-term development is no good.但是,“成本”意识如果太强,甚至到了斤斤计较的地步,对于公司长远发展是没有任何好处的。