




1.洛杉矶湖人 track and field 田径 △ Los Angeles Lakers 洛杉矾湖人队 Miami Heat 迈阿密热火队 ...

5.洛山脊--湖人 ... Boston Celtics 波士顿--凯尔特人 Los Angeles Lakers 洛山脊--湖人 Miami Heat 迈阿密--热火 ...


1.The Los Angeles Lakers eked out a narrow victory over the visiting Denver Nuggets in game one of the Western Conferece finals Tuesday night.周二晚,洛杉矶湖人在斯台普斯中心的西部决赛揭幕战中险胜到访的丹佛掘金队。

2.The Phil Jackson era ended miserably Sunday, with the Los Angeles Lakers showing none of the poise so characteristic of their coach.洛杉矶湖人队丝毫没有体现教练淡定的风范,菲尔杰克逊的时代糟糕在周日结束于。

3.A warm welcome also awaits Mr Dudamel outside the concert hall. The Los Angeles Lakers gave him a jersey decorated with his name.另外,在音乐厅之外杜达梅尔同样也会受到热烈的欢迎:洛杉矶湖人队为他特地准备了印有他名字的球衣。

4.If Sun Yue was " devolution " , must be arranged in a close relationship with the Los Angeles Lakers team defender.倘若孙悦被“下放”,那么肯定是被安排在了与湖人队关系密切的洛杉矶防守者队。

5.The most discussed game of the year was probably the match between the Los Angeles Lakers and Cleveland Cavapers.今年最有话题性的比赛莫过于洛杉矶湖人队与克里夫兰骑士队的对决了。

6.Los Angeles Lakers They should be better with a healthy Andrew Bynum, but can Odom defend at small forward?拜纳姆应该可以健康的回来了吧,只是,奥多姆能防住小前吗?

7.The bright pghts and party that is South Beach has a lot of competition when it comes to trying to defeat the Los Angeles Lakers.当热火打算击败湖人的时候,南方海滨城闪耀的灯光和盛大的聚会背后,就有了许多压力。

8.He joked that he was targeted by a Los Angeles Lakers fan for a "DWC: Driving With Championship. "他还开玩笑说他被一个洛杉矶球迷指责说“他们的冠军是联盟幕后操纵得来的”。

9.Golden State, Los Angeles Lakers, and the Denver Nuggets are also playing at a high level as well.此外,勇士、湖人,还有掘金也都打出了很高的水平。

10.Yes, Huston Rocket vs. Los Angeles Lakers. I bet it was the most exciting game I had watched.是的,休斯顿火箭队对洛杉矶湖人队比赛。我敢打赌那是我看过的最精彩的比赛。