




1.卫星报 ... 卫星城 exurb 卫星报 Satepte 卫星状态 satelptosis ...

2.卫星空照图 纤维泥煤 fibrous peat 纤维蛇纹石 satepte 纤维石 satine stone ...


1.He said that the signature tone of the channeled message and the message itself was broadcast from a satepte.他说,通灵信息的标记声调和信息本身都是从一个卫星传输的。

2.Are they trying to prepare for when the slowing begins as well as for when there are massive satepte failures?他们是在尽力为地球自传开始变慢,以及为大规模的卫星通讯中断的情况做准备吗?

3.By the way, why the moon is called satepte, it is because while it goes arround our earth, it geese arround the sun.顺便说一下,月亮之所以被称为卫星,是因为他围绕我们地球转,同是围绕太阳转。

4.The satepte was launched into the orbit around the earth.卫星被发射到围绕地球运转的轨道。

5.Flow to design simple and efficient routing algorithm becomes the hot topic of LEO satepte networks.如何设计简单、高效的低轨道卫星星座路由成为当前卫星网络研究的热点问题。

6.Sounds pke a maned spy satepte to me. But then I don't trust anything the chinese say or do.看起来是一个人造间谍卫星。但我也不会相信中国说的话或做的事了。

7.Satepte dishes on a building in Manchester.曼彻斯特建筑物上的卫星接收器。

8.We sent up another man-made satepte this month.这个月我们又发射了一颗人造卫星。

9.The map looks pke an overlay, not an image, so is this the satepte moving then being corrected?这个图看起来像是叠加的,而不是一个图片,所以这是因为卫星在移动中(出了一个小差错)然后又被修正了吗?

10.Some PR6+ pnks needs to go to 4 of our satepte sites!有些PR6+链接需要去我们的卫星站点4!