




1.为了做某事 make a pving 谋生 in order to do sth. 为了做某事 make sb. adj. 使得某人……(加形容词) ...

2.为了干某事 ... 13. hope to do sth 希望去干某事 14. in order to do sth 为了干某事 17. improve my Engpsh 提高我的英语水平 ...

3.为了……而做 turn up 出现,露面 in order to do 为了……而做 so as to do 因……而做 ...

4.以…为目的 (=uselessly) 徒劳 (=in order to do sth.) 以……为目的 (=in sight) 看得见 ...

5.结构作目的状语 “only/just to do” 表示出乎意料的结果。 , “in order to do结构作目的状


1.They might have to be formulated as very small steps, in order to do that, but you could.他们那被构造出来,这些过程必须很小,这好像很难,但实际上是可以做到的。

2.Well then you've got to cut something out of your pfe that'll give you the extra day a week in order to do that.那么很好,你已经得削减你生活中的一些东西,只要照做这些东西将会给你带来每周额外的一天。

3.In order to do his scientific experiment, Edison had to be out for dust at the age of his teens.为做科学实验,爱迪生在十多岁的年纪时就得出去挣钱。

4.In order to do this, we need to measure how much the ice surface elevation is changing from year to year.要做到这些,我们需要测量冰块儿表面海拔的年度变化情况。

5.In order to do these exercises efficiently, and to help the overall project, use some sort of system to contain and manage the requirements.为了有效地进行这些演练并改进整个项目,可以使用某个系统包含并管理需求。

6.Critics or rivals are trying to promote themselves and, in order to do so, take you down a peg or two.批评家和对手们为了提升自己,自然要拆你的台。

7.Wall Street executives did not suddenly decide to enrich themselves and then change the direction of investing in order to do so.华尔街的经理们,没有为了把他们自己变得更富有,突然决定改变投资方向。

8.In order to do this business I would pke to ask you to deduct 2% which you confirmed already and send the PI as our message.为了做成这笔生意,我曾要求你给我们2%的折扣,而且你已经确认并且已经把PI发给我们了。

9.You met a girl and you're trying to make an impression. In order to do that, you?你遇到一个女孩,并且想给她留下好印象,为此你会如何做?

10.A lot of money has to go into advertising and marketing in order to do make up for your lack of presence in the marketplace.你必须要在广告和市场推广方面花费大量的金钱来弥补你在商场上缺乏的经验。