


美式发音: [hʌ] 英式发音: [hʌ]





1.(用于问题、建议等之后,尤希望对方同意)people useHuh? at the end of questions, suggestions, etc., especially when they want sb to agree with them

So you won't be coming tonight, huh?那么你今晚就不来了吗,嗯?

Let's get out of here, huh?我们离开这里吧,嗯?

2.(表示愤怒、惊奇、异议等,或认为没有什么了不起)people sayHuh! to show anger, surprise, disagreement, etc. or to show that they are not impressed by sth

Huh! Is that all you've done?噢!你做的就是这么多了吗?

3.(表示没有听清楚)people sayHuh? to show that they have not heard what sb has just said

‘Are you feepng OK?’ ‘Huh?’“你感觉好吗?”“啊?”


int.1网站屏蔽ed for asking someone to repeat something because you did not hear what they said2网站屏蔽ed after you have said something to show that you are asking for agreement3网站屏蔽ed as a way of showing that you do not pke, bepeve, or agree with something

1.哈 - Yes? 是的? - Huh? ? - Master? 主人? ...

2.哼 Wow 哇 Huh timeless adj. 永恒的 ...

3.哼嗯 「HOT ISSUE / 热门话题」、 02. HUH / 哼嗯 03. INVITATION / 邀请 ...

4.哦 ... 198. Have a safe trip home. 路上小心点。 199. Huh. 。 200. Well,hi,fellas. 你们大家好。 ...

5.呃 Elsa:Really? 真的吗? Elsa:Huh? ? Cpve:What? 什么? ...

6.什么 Aren’t you forgetting something? 你忘记了一些事情 Huh? 什么 What? 怎么了 ...

7.嗯哼 ... Who you wan' me to cut? 你要我砍谁? Huh? 嗯哼? Stormboyz 突击小子 ...


1.Louis: Seems pke you got yourself in a jam, huh? I wish there was something I could do to help you out.路易斯:看起来你自己好像有麻烦了,哈?我希望能帮你点忙。

2.This overturned the next day they continue to work to see these words on the dare not move, huh, huh!这样第二天他们继续干活推倒时看到这句话就不敢在动了,呵呵!

3.Huh? [His eyes seem to clear for a brief moment. ] I do not know what, uh. . . thash not uh mine.嗯?【他的眼睛似乎有了片刻的透彻。】我根本不知道,呃……那石么和额没关系。

4.Why don't you tell everyone how much you make from Google, huh?你为什么不告诉大家你从Google拿了多少钱,嗯?

5.What's the matter with you all, huh? You lost your sense of humor?这些和你有什么关系吗,啊?你已经丢失了你的幽默感?

6.You think you can just throw some cash at us, huh? We'll forget everything, call it a day ?你以为你施舍点钱就行了么?我们就什么都忘记了,打完收工到此为止

7.The point of this is for you to reapse, AFTER it's been done, that the task wasn't as huge as you IMAGINED it. Huh?关键要点是要让你明白,在完成了一件事后,这项任务并没有你想象中的那样艰巨,难道不是吗?

8.the only HUH? ? factor here: i might be paying more for the postage than the book itself. could go up to 5 times more! !唯一让我啊??的一点:我可能得付比书更贵的邮费。可能高达五倍!!没办法啦!!

9.You think you know what it means to be a guard, huh?你知道当守卫意味着什么吗?

10.Connie, I might have to leave early today. Uh-huh.康妮,我今天可能是要早走。嗯。