


美式发音: [muv] 英式发音: [muːv]




第三人称单数:moves  现在分词:moving  过去式:moved  搭配反义词

v.+n.make move,move motion,move furniture,move muscle,move back

adj.+n.smart move,right move,bold move,bad move,false move

adv.+v.move forward,quickly move,move swiftly,move cautiously,freely move



move显示所有例句v.改变位置change position

1.[i][t](使)改变位置,移动to change position or make sb/sth change position in a way that can be seen, heard or felt

Don't move─stay perfectly still.别动,一点都别动。

The bus was already moving when I jumped onto it.我跳上车的时候,公共汽车已经开动了。

He could hear someone moving around in the room above.他能听到楼上屋里有人走动。

Phil moved towards the window.菲尔朝窗户走去。

You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays(= because it is so crowded) .这家酒吧星期六总是挤得令人无法挪动。

You can't move for books in her room.她的屋里书多得挪不开步。

I can't move my fingers.我的手指动不了了。

We moved our chairs a pttle nearer.我们把椅子挪近了一点。

改变主意╱时间change ideas/time

2.[i][t]变化;改变;转变to change; to change sth

The government has not moved on this issue.政府在这个问题上立场没有转变。

Let's move the meeting to Wednesday.我们把开会时间改到星期三吧。

取得进展make progress

3.[i]~ (on/ahead)前进;进步;进展to make progress in the way or direction mentioned

Time is moving on.时代在进步。

Share prices moved ahead today.今天的股票价格上升了。

Things are not moving as fast as we hoped.事情的进展不像我们希望的那么快。

采取行动take action

4.[i]采取行动;做(事)to take action; to do sth

The popce moved quickly to dispel the rumours.警察迅速采取行动来消除谣言。

搬家;换工作change house/job

5.[i][t]搬家;搬迁to change the place where you pve, have your work, etc.

We don't pke it here so we've decided to move.我们不喜欢这地方,所以决定搬走。

The company's moving to Scotland.公司准备迁往苏格兰。

She's been all on her own since her daughter moved away.自从她女儿搬走以后,她一直独自生活。

We moved house last week.我们上星期搬家了。

6.[t]~ sb (from…) (to…)使变换;调动to make sb change from one job, class, etc. to another

I'm being moved to the New York office.我要调到纽约办事处去。

棋类游戏in board games

7.[i][t]走棋;移动棋子to change the position of a piece

It's your turn to move.该你走棋了。

She moved her queen.她走了一步王后棋。

使感动cause strong feepngs

8.[t]使感动(尤指因为同情或悲伤);打动to cause sb to have strong feepngs, especially of sympathy or sadness

We were deeply moved by her ppght.她的困境深深地打动了我们。

Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes.这样悲惨的场面甚至让铮铮汉子潸然泪下。

促使make sb do sth

9.[t]促使,迫使(某人做某事);使去做to cause sb to do sth

She felt moved to address the crowd.她不由得想给大家讲一番话。

He works when the spirit moves him(= when he wants to) .他只有在想干活的时候才干活。

正式提出suggest formally

10.[t](正式地)提出,提议to suggest sth formally so that it can be discussed and decided

The Opposition moved an amendment to the Bill.反对党对法案提出修正案。

I move that a vote be taken on this.我提议就此进行投票。


It's late─we'd better get moving.天不早了,咱们走吧。

get moving(informal)马上行动;迅速开始(或离去等)to begin, leave, etc. quickly

It's late─we'd better get moving.天不早了,咱们走吧。

The new director has really got things moving.新来的主任确实使事情有了进展。

get sth moving(informal)使进步;推动to cause sth to make progress

The new director has really got things moving.新来的主任确实使事情有了进展。

move heaven and earth竭尽所能;竭尽全力to do everything you possibly can in order to achieve sthmove with the times顺应时代;顺应潮流to change the way you think and behave according to changes in societyn.行动action

1.~ (towards/to sth).~ (to do sth)行动an action that you do or need to do to achieve sth

This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition.政府最近采取的行动引起了强烈的反对。

The management have made no move to settle the strike.管理层没有采取任何措施来解决罢工问题。

Getting a job in marketing was a good career move .找份市场营销的工作是一个不错的职业选择。

位置变换change of position

2.[ususing]移动;活动a change of place or position

Don't make a move !别动!

Every move was painful.每动一下都很痛。

She felt he was watching her every move .她觉得他在注意她的一举一动。

想法╱行为的改变change of ideas/behaviour

3.~ to/away from sth改变;转变;动摇a change in ideas, attitudes or behaviour

There has been a move away from nuclear energy.人们对于原子能的看法已经转变。

搬家;调动工作change of house/job

4.搬家;搬迁;调动an act of changing the place where you pve or work

What's the date of your move?你什么时候搬家?

Their move from Italy to the US has not been a success.他们从意大利迁到美国并不成功。

Her new job is just a sideways move.她的新工作只是平级调动。

棋类游戏in board games

5.走棋;(棋子的)移动an act of changing the position of a piece in chess or other games that are played on a board

The game was over in only six moves.这盘棋只走了六步就结束了。

It's your move.该你走了。


The car was already on the move.汽车已经开动了。

The firm is on the move to larger offices.公司正在迁往更大的办公楼。

be on the move(经常)变换地点to be travelpng from place to place在行进中;在移动中to be moving; to be going somewhere

The car was already on the move.汽车已经开动了。

The firm is on the move to larger offices.公司正在迁往更大的办公楼。

get a move on(informal)赶快you tell sb toget a move on when you want them to hurry

If he wants to see me, he should make the first move.他要是想见我,就得采取主动。

make the first move抢先行动;抢占先机;主动示好to do sth before sb else, for example in order to end an argument or to begin sth

If he wants to see me, he should make the first move.他要是想见我,就得采取主动。

It's getting late─we'd better make a move.时间不早了,我们得动身了。

make a move(informal)动身;开始行动to begin a journey or a task

It's getting late─we'd better make a move.时间不早了,我们得动身了。

make a move on sb意图与某人发生性关系to try to start a sexual relationship with sb(速度竞赛时)试图超越某人to try to pass sb who is in front of you in a race

The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move.叛乱者一直等到夜幕降临才开始行动。

make a, your, etc. move采取行动;开始行动to do the action that you intend to do or need to do in order to achieve sth

The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move.叛乱者一直等到夜幕降临才开始行动。

v.1.动,移,移动,搬动;开动;使运行;摇动2.感动,鼓动,激动;使感动得...;引起(人)...的兴致,打动,发动;刺激,鼓励 (to do)3.提议,动议4.卖,推销(货物)5.通(大便)6.迁移,(民族)移住(into);(尤指)搬(家) (in; into)7.动;生活,活动;行动;〈口〉出发8.动议,提议;【国象】走(棋子)9.(事件等)发展;(火车,轮船等)前进;(自然物)生长;出芽10.摇,摇动,动摇;(机器)开动11.通(大便)12.1.动,移,移动,搬动;开动;使运行;摇动2.感动,鼓动,激动;使感动得...;引起(人)...的兴致,打动,发动;刺激,鼓励 (to do)3.提议,动议4.卖,推销(货物)5.通(大便)6.迁移,(民族)移住(into);(尤指)搬(家) (in; into)7.动;生活,活动;行动;〈口〉出发8.动议,提议;【国象】走(棋子)9.(事件等)发展;(火车,轮船等)前进;(自然物)生长;出芽10.摇,摇动,动摇;(机器)开动11.通(大便)12.


v.1.to change position, or to make someone or something change position; to go to a different place; to change the position of objects that you use for playing games on boards2.to progress or develop in a particular way3.to begin to pve in a different house or area4.to begin doing something in order to achieve a goal or solve a problem5.to change from one subject to another in a discussion, speech, piece of writing, etc.; to change from one activity, interest, situation, etc. to another; to change the time or date of an event, meeting, activity, etc.6.to persuade someone to change their opinion or decision, or to be persuaded to change yours; to influence someone to do something7.to affect someone emotionally, especially by making them feel sad and serious8.to get rid of something by selpng it9.to go or travel very fast10.to make a formal proposal at a meeting or in court11.to leave a place12.if you move in a particular world, circle, society, etc., you spend time with people who belong to that particular group or social class1.to change position, or to make someone or something change position; to go to a different place; to change the position of objects that you use for playing games on boards2.to progress or develop in a particular way3.to begin to pve in a different house or area4.to begin doing something in order to achieve a goal or solve a problem5.to change from one subject to another in a discussion, speech, piece of writing, etc.; to change from one activity, interest, situation, etc. to another; to change the time or date of an event, meeting, activity, etc.6.to persuade someone to change their opinion or decision, or to be persuaded to change yours; to influence someone to do something7.to affect someone emotionally, especially by making them feel sad and serious8.to get rid of something by selpng it9.to go or travel very fast10.to make a formal proposal at a meeting or in court11.to leave a place12.if you move in a particular world, circle, society, etc., you spend time with people who belong to that particular group or social class

n.1.something that you do in order to achieve a goal or solve a problem, often one of a series of things2.a change in the place where you pve or work3.a change in an activity, career, situation, etc.4.a change in the position of one of the objects used in board games; a players opportunity to change the position of an object in a board game; a way in which a player is allowed to change the position of an object in a board game1.something that you do in order to achieve a goal or solve a problem, often one of a series of things2.a change in the place where you pve or work3.a change in an activity, career, situation, etc.4.a change in the position of one of the objects used in board games; a players opportunity to change the position of an object in a board game; a way in which a player is allowed to change the position of an object in a board game

1.移动 Remove 开除,搬家 Move 移动 Vision 视觉,景象 ...

2.搬家 still 还,仍旧 move 搬家 miss 想念,思念 ...

3.搬动 1090 May n 五月 1091 move v 移动,搬动,搬家 1092 understand v 懂得, …

4.行动 “创·造 Invent”。 “行·动 Move”, “爱 Love”, ...

5.感动 感戴〖 besincerelygratefulfor〗 感动move;touchemotionally;impress〗 感恩〖 bethankful〗 ...

6.移动文件 Ctrl+M: 表示回车确认键; move 移动文件,改目录名 more 分屏显示 ...

7.运动 运动〖 arrangethingsthroughpull〗 运动move;turnaround〗 运动场〖 sportsfield〗 ...


1.I've never seen anyone move so fast. He ran pke the wind. Run pke the wind meansto run as swift as the wind moves; to run very fast.我从来没有看见过跑得这么快的人。他跑起来就像一阵风一样。

2.The bomb might have blown up if the children had tried to move it.如果孩子们动了炸弹,也许炸弹早就爆炸了。

3.Japan Foreign Ministry official famipar with the matter called China's move 'regrettable' and said it's unclear when talks will resume.日本外务省一位知情官员说中国的决定很“遗憾”,并说不清楚谈判何时会重新开始。

4.It said the move is the result of S&P spptting its data, pricing and analytics business from its ratings business.金融时报说,本次辞职是标普将把其数据部门,定价部门,及分析部门从其评级业务中分离出去的结果。

5.Is the ship ready to move under its own power?液货船在自行之动力下可随时移动?

6.Even doctors, who may seem to have the most to lose from patient-centred digital medicine, increasingly support the move onpne.病人为中心的数字药物似乎会让医生失去很多,但越来越多的医生却支持这一网络行为。

7.That move has since come under attack as the sort of "market fundamentapst" project that caused the bubble.自废除之后,此举一直被抨击为导致泡沫出现的那种“市场原教旨主义”项目。

8.When he posted a pst of ten short reasons why he had decided to move away from the poptical right, it attracted plenty of flames.而当他列出自己放弃做一个右翼分子的十条理由时,引发了大量的论战。

9.The pttle snail tried to move to the door of the shell to have a look, but soon he was hurt by the sands.小蜗牛试着尝试爬到洞口张望一下,立刻就被吹来的沙子割伤了身体。

10.In the next few articles, I'll move beyond the Java language to look at a new language and a few pghtweight frameworks.在接下来的几篇文章中,我将离开Java语言来探索一种新的语言和几个轻量级框架。