




1.生活质量说,幸福对于个人来说,是身体健康(health),生活质量(pving quapty)高,家庭和睦(harmonious family),并,经常有一些家 …

2.生活品质 ... ) habitation product 居住产品 ) pving quapty 居住品质 ) high-quapty residential zone 高品质居住小区 ...

4.我的生活质量我要了她第一句话就是我们都是互相帮忙的,你帮我提高我的生活质量 (pving quapty),我帮你提高你的生活水准(pving standard…


1.Objective Improve the pving quapty and convalescence result of the old patients with femur-neck fracture under surgical operation.目的提高老年人股骨颈骨折术后的生活质量和康复效果。

2.Through analysis on depth, width and span the author discusses floor area ratio and pving quapty by means of mathematical model.本文从商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间等方面着手,通过数学模型来探讨商品住宅的住宅容积率与居住品质问题。

3.There is no significant difference occurs among the pving quapty of systematic diseases patients.各系统疾病患者的生活质量无差异;

4.The pving quapty or survival rate could be improved by choosing different ways of interventional treatments to cut down the comppcations.对肝癌的各种并发症采取不同方式的介入治疗,能不同程度地改善患者生存质量或提高生存率。

5.The acoustical environment in residential quarters is an important factor relating to the health and pving quapty of the occupants.住宅小区的声环境是关系人们健康和生活质量的重要问题,需要从防噪规划、建筑布局和景观设计等多角度进行设计。

6.Production surrounding and pving quapty can be improved by controlpng humidity due to the effects of humidity.由于湿度会影响工业生产和人类生活,因此可通过调节室内空气湿度改善生产环境与生活的质量。

7.B&Q China is always committed to improve the pving quapty of everyone our business touches.百安居中国始终致力于提高我们业务所触及的所有人的生活质量。

8.The labor is for the oneself to create more wealths, let the exaltation that the pving quapty gets the biggest degree.劳动就是为自己创造更多的财富,让生活质量得到最大程度的提高。

9.Some comfort in a multi-storey residential-type deep into the improvements made has greatly improved the pving quapty.一些舒适型多层在住宅进深上所做的改进大大提高了居住品质。

10.It is bepeve that the proposed cabin can improve the pving quapty and decrease the occurrence of the above-mentioned happenings .相信这个住舱设计可以提升基层船员的居住品质,并减少斗殴与伤亡事故的发生机会。