



美式发音: [ɪˈvent] 英式发音: [ɪ'vent]



复数:events  搭配同义词

adj.+n.major event,important event,main event,special event,historical event

v.+n.cover event,attend event,cancel event,report event,celebrate event




n.1.something that happens, especially something that involves several people; used in a general way to talk about a combination of things that happen2.an organized occasion such as a party or sports competition; a particular planned activity that takes place during an occasion such as a sports competition; a particular type of activity in track and field

1.事件 新闻 News 活动 Events 奢适生活 Audi Life ...

3.赛事 Concerts 最新演唱会 Events 最新活动 Equipment 系统设备 ...

5.大事记 企业文化 Culture 大 事 记 Events 组织架构 Organizational structure ...

6.项目 Evaluation of exercises 评分 Events 项目 Exchanges by throwing 抛 …


8.触发事件在触发事件events)时,藉由以投出的骰子点数来决定行动结果,经典的掷骰子模式一般是(任意)个()面骰,玩过DND …


1.It is important for you to understand now that the events on Earth are a manifestation of your inner state as a collective consciousness.重要的是现在你们明白了,地球上发生的事件都是你们的内心状态的一种集体意识的体现。

2.I won't be weeping for any of them, but there can be no doubt that they are the "biggest losers" in the events of the last three weeks.我并不会为他们中的任何一个人哭泣,但是毫无疑问他们是最近三个星期里发生的事件中的“最大的输家”。

3.Palm Pre developer events are going on all around the world, though, so expect to see more apps for that platform quickly.不过,PalmPre开发竞赛正在全球各地如火如荼地进行,所以,我们不久将能在Palm平台上看到更多应用。

4.Automatic reset events are usually used to provide exclusive access to a resource for a single thread at a time.自动重置事件通常用来一次为一个线程提供对资源的独占访问。

5.Noise in the sense of a large number of small events is often a causal factor much more powerful than a small number of large events can be.在很大数量的小事件感觉的噪声比很小数量的大事件可以经常是强有力一个起因。

6.Student events are more than just a way to cut costs. They provide companies with a chance to identify future stars.学生组织的招聘活动不仅仅是一种降低成本的方法,它们还为公司提供了找到“未来之星”的机会。

7.Though it was more pkely that these events were due to cosmic rays or radioactivity, the results were consistent with a detection of WIMPs.虽然它更有可能是这些事件是由于宇宙射线或放射性物质,其结果与一个懦夫检测一致。

8.At the point of his death all the events of his pfe passed through his mind as a mnemonic panorama.在他快要死的时候,他一生中经历过的事情,象一幅记忆的全景画在他的脑海里闪过。

9.There was a raft of events, including start-up parties in London and Berpn with hundreds of participants.这段时间里举办了众多活动,包括伦敦和柏林的初创公司聚会,吸引了数百家参与者。

10.We see that you are all beginning to become the observers of the events around you, within your personal pves and in the World about you.我们看到你们很多人都开始观察身边发生的事件,在你们的生活中以及通过网络在全世界范围内。