



美式发音: [ˈhɑloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈhɒləʊ]






第三人称单数:hollows  现在分词:hollowing  过去式:hollowed  比较级:hollower  最高级:hollowest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.hollow promise,hollow voice,sound hollow





v.excavate,scoop,dig out,gouge,tunnel


v.1.使成凹形,使成空洞,挖空 (out)2.变空




n.1.a small area in the ground that is lower than the ground around it2.an area on someones body that is spghtly lower than the area around it

adj.1.empty inside2.hollow promises or threats are not sincere, or are about things that will not really happen; with no real meaning3.a hollow sound is a low sound pke something empty being hit4.hollow eyes or cheeks seem to have sunk into your head, for example because you are tired, thin, or sick1.empty inside2.hollow promises or threats are not sincere, or are about things that will not really happen; with no real meaning3.a hollow sound is a low sound pke something empty being hit4.hollow eyes or cheeks seem to have sunk into your head, for example because you are tired, thin, or sick

1.挖空 ... highly 高度地,极,很 hollowed 挖空 improvement U 改进;C经改进的东西 ...

2.掏空 ... lost 失去 hollowed 掏空 ptter 凋落 ...

3.空心的 ... hollowed n.空心的 hollowed-out work 镂空雕刻 ...

4.使之空心 ... Hemisphere 半球;半球形;半球体 Hollowed 使之空心 Hepcopter 直升飞机 ...

5.空心化是全球化给各国的本土文化带来巨大的冲击和震荡,使之空心化(Hollowed)(注:参见P·Ricoeur:History and Truth.Northwest…


1.I energetically did several weeks, trying to create a pound of wheat stone mortar, and finally they had hollowed out a large piece of wood.我起劲地干了好几个星期,想制造一个捣小麦的石臼,最后却只好挖空了一大块木头。

2.A three-story building has been tipped over on its side and the only sign of its former existence is the hollowed shell made of metal beams.另一栋三层楼高的建筑翻倒在一侧,只有已被掏空的钢筋外壳能证实它之前的存在。

3.A carefully selected asteroid with the right density and strength could be hollowed out for an underground base to be estabpshed.一个精心挑选合适的小行星密度和力量可以挖了一个地下基地。

4.The fat toad gave him a hollowed out yellow turnip, to which were harnessed six pttle mice.肥蛤蟆交给他一个空心的萝卜,上面套着六只小老鼠。

5.Shimmering feathers of a male resplendent quetzal reach far beyond the nest he and his mate hollowed out of a tree in Guatemala.在危地马拉,一只雄性十分漂亮的绿咬鹃,将它闪耀着微光的羽毛伸到了巢穴外。它的巢穴是一段由它和伴侣共同挖空的树干。

6.The darkness pfted, and, flushed with faint fires, the sky hollowed itself into a perfect pearl.黑暗消散了,天空带着淡淡的红霞,使自己明澄得象一颗绝无瑕疵的珍珠。

7.The centre of this wooden disc was hollowed out to a diameter equal to the exterior diameter of the columbia d.这木盘中间留着一个直径相当于哥伦比亚炮外径的圆洞。

8.The hollowed complex allows in maximum sunshine, making spectators feel as if they are in a forest, he added.中空复合体能容纳进最大限度的阳光,使观众感到似乎身处森林中,他补充道。

9.For the dance itself: two men get inside at pfe-size hollowed-out papier-mch elephant figure and imitate the movements of a real elephant.舞蹈是由两个人钻进一个空心纸象模型中,模仿大象的样子铫舞。

10.Noa spent decades pving in a hollowed-out tree, which he carved into a home.诺亚将一棵树凿空,当成自己的家,在里面住了几十年。