


美式发音: [loʊʒ] 英式发音: [ləʊʒ]



复数:loges  同义词

n.box,enclosure,box seat,skybox



n.1.the front section of the lowest balcony in a theater2.a small private area with seats in a theater, separate from the main area

1.火神罗杰戈 ... 幸福神弗罗(Froh) — 男高音; 火神洛戈Loge) — 男高音; 米梅(Mime) — 男高音;智慧女神埃尔达(Erda) — 女 …

3.包厢 ... 39. lynx n. 猞猁 5. loge n. (剧场等的)包厢,池座 6. loin n. 腰部,(动物的)腰肉 ...

4.火神洛格 chatelaine 发音播放 loge 1. 包厢的前座 tdp 详细 ...

7.驻联合国联络处 LOBR 驻欧洲联盟及比利时联络处 LOGE 驻联合国联络处(日内瓦)) LOJA 驻日本联络 …


1.The orchestra seats were all sold out, but the saleslady told me the loge seats were better for sound and that we could bring binoculars.头等席都卖完了,但售票员告诉我包厢座位的音效比较好,而且我们可以带望远镜。

2.The result clearly supported the LOGE approach, that was "compare with the compromise standard" caused the two effects.本实验结果明确支持LOGE理论,即将目标“和折中标准相比”是高于平均效应和低于平均效应产生的原因。

3.He has also been invited multiple times to represent Christianity at Tri- loge forum at UCF among Judaism and Islam faith.他还多次在UCF的三大宗教对话论坛上,代表基督教与犹太教和伊斯兰教对话。

4.Banquet Loge: 10 top-grade banquet loges with sea view, adapt to hold various slap-up banquet.宴会包厢:十间高档宴会包厢,环境优美,面海依山,适合举办各种高档宴会接待。

5.Material, Color, Packing and the Loge available.材料可订做,颜色可选,包装和商标可以定做。

6.FAO Liaison Offices - New Web site for LONY and revamping of LOGE Web site粮农组织联络处—LONY新建网站和LOGE改建网站

7.loge(O. F. ), summerhouse, hut凉亭,简陋的小屋