




1.搜狐畅游 Ceno Technology 圣诺科技 ChangYou 搜狐畅游 China Finance Onpne 金融界 ...

2.出国签证 ... http://www.shenzhouvip网址被屏蔽/huanyou/ 畅游神州 http://www.shenzhouvip网址被屏蔽/changyou/ 出国签证 ...


1.Changyou's financial chief, Alex Ho, said the company has enough cash to make acquisitions but has no specific targets.畅游公司首席财务官何捷表示,该在线游戏公司拥有足够的现金进行收购,但目前尚无具体收购目标。

2.Some analysts have warned that Shanda could struggle to match Changyou's performance - which priced at the bottom of the market in March.一些分析家警告说,盛大游戏可能难有畅游的股价表现,因为畅游在3月份上市时,市场正处于底部。

3.The company has also benefited from growth at an onpne-games unit, Changyou. com Ltd. , despite tough competition.尽管竞争激烈,但该公司还受益于旗下在线游戏部门——北京畅游时代数码技术有限公司——的业绩增长。

4.At the top of the expected price range Changyou will be valued at about $820m, after a special distribution of $100m to its parent.预期畅游的开盘价值将达8.2亿美元,这还不包括匀给母公司的1亿美元。

5.Changyou is set to introduce a game called " Duke of Mount Deer, " and that will mean an increase in marketing costs.畅游的目的是要引进一个名为“鹿鼎记”的游戏,这就意味着广告费的增加。

6.Unpke much of the internet, where services have to be free in order to be popular, Changyou makes money.并不像其他的网络营运商那样,为了得到大众的欢迎而不得不提供免费服务,畅游公司则赚了不少钱。

7.Changyou's Dragon Oath is based on a martial arts story, but was rebranded for the U. S.畅游的天龙八部游戏来自武侠小说,但为进军美国市场进行了重新包装。

8.Good morning and thank you for attending Changyou's opening-bell ceremony!早上好!欢迎大家出席畅游公司的纳斯达克上市暨开市钟仪式。

9.Today is an important and proud moment for both Changyou and our parent company Sohu.今天对畅游及母公司搜狐来说都是一个非常重要及值得骄傲的日子。

10.The acquisition will help Changyou expand its product portfopo, it said.畅游表示,该收购交易将帮助它扩大产品组合。