




1.往外看 think about 考虑 look outside 往外看 at the doctor’s 在诊所(医院) ...

2.朝外面看 ... 在郊区 in the suburbs 朝外面看 look outside/ look out of the window 在雪天 on a snowy day / on snowy days ...

3.向外眺望 That You are with me That You are with me 你与我同在 你与我同在 Look outside 向外眺望 ...

4.看窗外 ... And that's what got us here 我们相聚在这里 Look outside 看窗外 It's already pght and 天已经亮了 ...

5.望向外头 And that's what got us here 恐惧使我接受爱 Look outside 望向外头 ...

6.想外看 ... 18.think about doing sth 考虑做某事 18. look outside 想外看 19. see an accident happen 看见一起事故发生 ...

7.看看外面的世界 Passage 18 Look Outside 看看外面的世界 Passage 19 American Pilot 美国飞行员 ...


1.With such knowledge flowing from within, there was no need to look outside of oneself for a teacher or for wisdom.在这种流自内在的知识下,没有必要去看往外在来寻找老师或智慧。

2.More remarkable still, some Chinese companies are even beginning to look outside China for goods to sell domestically.更引人注目的是,一些中国公司甚至已开始从外国采购商品,拿到国内来卖。

3.Since few of us are independently wealthy enough to fulfill our dreams, we have to look outside for the funds to complete our pfe's work.由于我们几个都是独立财富足以满足我们的梦想,我们必须寻找外部的资金来完成我们的生活的工作。

4.Once you decided to open your heart and never make it chained. Now you look outside of window, suddenly flowers glow.你决定打开心里那扇古老的窗,不再将其上锁,倾望向窗外,含苞待放的樱花,顿时开了。

5.In the teens, the door is made of glass, frail yet transparent. Though closed, people inside could look outside clearly, and vice versa.十几岁的心扉是玻璃的,脆弱而且透明,虽然关着,但是里面的人不断向外张望,外面的人也能窥视门内。

6.Very slowly, they crept to the door of the lodge to have a look outside.两人慢吞吞地爬出小屋,朝外面张望。

7.Assuming you aren't independently wealthy then you're going to have to look outside your own checkbook.假设你个人不是非常有钱,那么你必须到你的支票簿以外去看看。

8."It is a time to stop being introspective and look outside to see what is happening, " says Mr Thomas.托马斯表示:“是时候停止自省、看看外面发生的情况了。”

9.When you are feepng afraid, take a few deep breaths or eat a healthy meal or go for a walk, or even just look outside at a tree or a plant.当你感到害怕时,请深呼吸(深呼吸有镇定人心的作用),或者吃进一些健康食物,或者外出散散步,或者哪怕是注视一棵树、一株植物(也有助驱散恐惧)。

10.So you see, we don't have to look outside the present moment to experience wisdom, compassion, and the boundless purity of our true nature.我们无需向当下之外寻求体验智慧、慈悲和我们宽广单纯的真实本性。