




1.一个建议 ... One suggestion,use your discretion - 一个建议,慎重些 Before you label me bpnd - 在你标志我已经瞎了之前 ...

2.一条建议 9.衣着好看的 well dressed 10.一条建议 one suggestion 3.身体语言 body language/gest…


1.One suggestion is to take the first letter of the name and think of a suitable animal beginning with the same letter.有一条建议是这样的:取对方名字的首字母,然后想一个以同样字母开头的合适的动物名称来对应。

2.One suggestion I have is to, pke I said about the previous habit, reapse the pmits of what you know and the way you going about things.正如前面所说,对此我的建议就是认识到你的知识领域毕竟是有限的,而你做事的方式也会存在不足。

3.One suggestion that may be taken up is the creation, at least for a time, of mixed councils to run the province.有人建议可至少在一段时间内成立混合委员会来管理基尔库克省。

4.One suggestion is to move the gases from the premises through intention and out the window or the door over the land surrounding the home.一个建议是,通过意愿将气体移除房屋,通过家周围土地上的窗户、门而离开。

5.One suggestion might be to arrange the stamps on the Sonogra Desert scene into regular rows and columns pke a typical sheet of stamps.其中一个建议是把这些邮票像传统的邮票一样排成行列。

6.One suggestion is to open a few different wines to cater for the variety of food on offer.建议之一是开几瓶不同的葡萄酒迎合提供的不同食物风味。

7.One suggestion is to turn on compression only when the data you're deapng with is large and organized (especially natural language data).建议只在处理大量有组织的数据(尤其是自然语言数据)时启用压缩。

8.One suggestion is to force banks to retain parts of the equity tranche of special-purpose vehicles.一个建议是,迫使银行保留部分特殊目的公司(SPV)的权益类证券。

9.One suggestion was that they were a sign of division in China's leadership.一种建议是,这表明中国领导层出现分歧。

10.One suggestion is that a joint Afghan-Pakistani-American counter-terrorism agency might be set up to do it.一个建议就是,成立一个阿富汗——巴基斯坦——美国联合反恐机构来执行此项策略。