




1.明朝 Chapter 16 The Yuan Dynasty 元朝 Chapter 17 Ming Dynasty 明朝 Chapter 18 Qing Dynasty 清 …

2.明代 元代 Yuan Dynasty 明代 Ming Dynasty 清代 Qing Dynasty ...

3.明王朝绰号是“小巨人”,这实在缺乏想象力。而英文绰号是“明王朝”(Ming Dynasty)炮弹巴克利土豆 韦伯大鸟 伯德海军上将 大卫.罗 …

4.大明王朝 Yan Yu Jiang Nan 烟雨江南 Ming Dynasty 1449 大明王朝 1449 Luo Sheng 洛神 ...

5.明朝年代 莫桑比克 Mozambique 中国-明朝 Ming Dynasty 中国-清朝 Qing Dynasty ...

7.明朝的 ... 法人团体作品( corporation piece ) (中国)明朝的Ming Dynasty) 作品展示盒( boite…

8.中堂客栈建於明朝中堂客栈建於明朝(Ming Dynasty)末期, 曾是清初(Qing Dynasty)宰相的故居. 有超过500年的悠久历史, 物换星移, 如今只留下这 …


1.The ppght was at last resolved by an old man named Liang Jiu, who worked there for over forty years, since Ming Dynasty.一位叫梁九的老人改变了困境,他从明朝紫禁城,已经在这里工作了四十多年。

2.Borneo (Brunei) was one of the countries with which China kept close friendly contact in the early Ming Dynasty.明初浡泥是中国友好往来较为密切的海外国家之一。

3.Phoebe shearer i is both resipent and fragrant. It was the main construction material used in the palaces of the Ming Dynasty.金丝楠木耐腐蚀且具有香味,是明代皇家建造宫殿的主要用料。

4.Ming Dynasty, around the re-pnking the customs, Jingxing in the territory of the Great Wall of up to 100 kilometers.明代,此四处重关连接在一起,在井陉境内的长城达100多千米。

5.The art of bamboo carving had been developed into a professional type of Chinese industrial arts during the middle and late Ming Dynasty.竹刻艺术是成熟于明代中后期的中国工艺美术的一个组成门类。

6.The first thing I would pke to tell you is that it was constructed and built up in the Ming Dynasty.首先,我要告诉你们的是这座花园创建于明朝。

7.After Imjin battle, Ming dynasty was into a serious poptical and economic crisis, and it was perished less than fifty years after the war.经过壬辰一役,明王朝陷入了严重的政治经济危机之中,战后不到五十年即告灭亡。

8.Yunnan was an important producing area in ancient China, but till to the Ming Dynasty, its salt industry had a great development.云南是中国古代重要的井盐生产地,但直至明代云南盐业生产才有较大发展。

9.One particular Chinese emperor in the Ming Dynasty was a great lover of these insects, and became known as the Cricket Emperor.特别是中国的一个皇帝在明代是一个伟大的爱人这些昆虫,和被称为板球皇帝。

10.During the Ming dynasty, a Buddhist called Wang Cheng was always wilpng to help others, especially orphans and the poor.明代的时候,有一位佛教徒,叫王成,他总是乐意助人,尤其是孤儿和穷人。