




1.爱鱼 ... 「Love Fish」「 爱鱼」 ...

2.恋上鱼 chocolate fish- 用商店买的$250巧克力钓到的 love fish- 用自家种的爱心蔬菜钓到的 apple fish- 用了100颗苹果才钓到的 ...

4.心情清蒸鱼 Love fish 心情清蒸鱼 THE BIRDS OF THE Guizishan Wuchang 武昌桂子山的鸟类 ...


1.Cat food are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables to it, pke a sniff sniff it only then went away.猫吃的是杂食,最爱鱼和瘦肉,倘若扔一个水果或蔬菜之类的给它,它只是嗅一嗅便走开了。

2.Could I bring my fishing tool? I love fish and you just said there was a lake.我能带上我的钓鱼工具吗?我喜欢钓鱼,你刚刚也说那边有个湖了。

3.Because love, mother love fish and baby fish, they prefer their own pieces and let the fish baby safe.因为爱,母鱼爱着鱼宝宝,宁可自己粉身碎骨也要让鱼宝宝安全。

4.I love fish pelargonium, excel other any flowers, especially gules .我爱天竺葵,胜于其他任何花,尤其是红色的。

5.Some people hate cats but love dogs, while some are scared of dogs but love fish.人讨厌猫而喜欢狗,而有些人害怕狗而喜欢鱼。

6.West Lake Fish with sour source? Certainly great! I love fish!噢,西湖醋鱼?当然好啦,我可爱吃鱼了。

7.Rats love rice, cats love fish and even wolves love sheep, but who loves me?老鼠爱上大米了,猫咪爱上鱼了,连狼都爱上羊了,谁爱上我了?

8.All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.猫都爱吃鱼,却怕爪弄湿。

9.I love fish cooked in Japanese manner.我喜欢日本鱼的吃法。

10.Mike: Great! I love fish or beef.迈克:太好了。我爱吃鱼和牛肉。