

Across from

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1.在……的对面 coffee shop 咖啡店 across from 在……的对面 next to 在紧接着(某人/物) …

2.在……对面 across 横过;在对面 across from 在---对面 next 紧靠---的旁边;贴近 ...

3.在……对过 according to 根据……;按照 across from 在……对过 after all 毕竟 ...

4.在...的正对面 be across to [美口]是...的责任[任务] across from [美]在...的正对面 across - 语法相关 ...

5.在…的对过 5、在…和…之间 between…and… 6、在…的对过 across from… 7、在…的旁边 next to… ...

6.在……正对面 ... between...and -- 在···中间 across from -- 在···正对面 in front of-- 在外部的前面 ...


1.I sat down across from her and said, "Why am I here? "我坐在她对面的凳子上,随口问道:“为什么叫我来这里?”

2.The air was still, and from the hillside there floated across from time to time the sound of bugles and of the shouts of the enemy.四下里一片寂静,有时候从那山上传来敌军的号角声和呐喊声。

3.Rukia sat down cautiously, across from the hollow. "Ichigo didn't make you. " She said quietly.露琪亚小心翼翼的坐到虚的对面。“一护没有造出你来。”她平静的说。

4.I slowly sat down across from her. I took her left hand and held it in mine, brushing a stray lock of golden hair away from her face.我慢慢地在她对面坐下来,拿起她的左手,握在我的手心里,拂去她脸上一缕零散的金发。

5.All during the sit-down dinner, the host's three-year-old girl stared at her father's boss sitting across from her.在整个饭局当中,主人的三岁大的女儿一直盯着坐在她对面的人,即她父亲的老板。

6.A lady gets on a train with her baby. A guy sitting across from her looks at the baby and starts laughing hysterically.一位太太抱着婴儿上了火车。一个坐在她对面的家伙看着孩子大笑起来。

7.The old Congress Hotel across from Millennium Park is rumoured to be a possible location, but Mr Emanuel keeps his cards close to his chest.有传闻说赌场的选址可能定在千禧公园对面的旧国会宾馆。但伊曼纽尔先生守口如瓶,未曾透露有关消息。

8.s next to [across from, around the corner from] the bank.在银行旁边[对面][所在的街角处]。

9.At the next stop, a woman in a niqab -- the face veil -- came and sat across from us.在下一站下车,一个女人在一个面纱——面对在面纱——进去,坐在离我们也有多远。

10.Across from the dark , look for a place where the sunshine comes .在黑暗的对面,寻找光射向的地方。——黄金宣。