


美式发音: [həv] 英式发音: [həv]





第三人称单数:has  现在分词:having  过去式:had  同义词反义词


v.must,make sure,think of,suffer from,organize



1.~ sth有;持有;占有to own, hold or possess sth

He had a new car and a boat.他有一辆新车和一条船。

Have you got a job yet?你有工作了吗?

I don't have that much money on me.我身上没带那么多钱。

She's got a BA in Engpsh.她有英语学士学位。

由…组成consist of

2.~ sth由…组成be made up of

In 2008 the party had 10 000 members.这个党在 2008 年时拥有 1 万名党员。


3.显示出,带有(性质、特征)to show a quapty or feature

The ham had a smoky flavour.这火腿散发着一种烟熏的香味。

The house has gas-fired central heating.这所房子有燃气中央供暖系统。

They have a lot of courage.他们勇气十足。

He's got a front tooth missing.他有一颗门牙掉了。

4.~ sth to do sth(通过行动)表现出(品质)to show a particular quapty by your actions

Surely she didn't have the nerve to say that to him?她一定没有胆量跟他这样说吧?


5.~ sb/sth(表示关系)有used to show a particular relationship

He's got three children.他有三个孩子。

Do you have a cpent named Peters?你们有一位名叫彼得斯的客户吗?

可利用sth available

6.~ sth能用to be able to make use of sth because it is available

Have you got time to call him?你有时间给他打电话吗?

We have no choice in the matter.我们在这件事上别无选择。


7.~ sth有责任(或义务)to be in a position where you ought to do sth

We have a duty to care for the refugees.我们有义务关怀这些难民。

8.须要,有必要(做某事)to be in a position of needing to do sth

I've got a lot of homework tonight.我今晚有很多家庭作业要做。

I must go─I have a bus to catch.我必须走了,我得去赶公共汽车。


9.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.抓住;握着;支承to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned

She'd got him by the collar.她抓住了他的衣领。

He had his head in his hands.他双手抱着脑袋。

放╱保持在某位置put/keep in a position

10.~ sth + adv./prep.使放在;使保持(在)to place or keep sth in a particular position

Mary had her back to me.玛丽背对着我。

I soon had the fish in a net.我不一会儿就网住了那条鱼。


11.~ sth感到;想到to let a feepng or thought come into your mind

He had the strong impression that someone was watching him.他强烈地感觉到有人在监视他。

We've got a few ideas for the title.关于名称,我们有几种想法。

I've got it! We'll call it ‘Word Magic’.我想到了!我们就叫它“文字魔术”吧。


12.~ sth患病;得病;染病to suffer from an illness or a disease

I've got a headache.我头痛。


13.~ sth经受;经历;经验to experience sth

I went to a few parties and had a good time.我参加了几次聚会,过得很愉快。

I was having difficulty in staying awake.我正困得睁不开眼。

She'll have an accident one day.她总有一天会出事的。


14.~ sth组织;举办to organize or hold an event

Let's have a party.我们办一次聚会吧。


15.~ sth吃;喝;吸(烟等)to eat, drink or smoke sth

to have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早饭╱午饭╱正餐

I'll have the salmon(= for example, in a restaurant) .我要一份鲑鱼。

I had a cigarette while I was waiting.我等候时抽了一支烟。

做某事do sth

16.~ sth进行(活动)to perform a particular action

I had a swim to cool down.我游了泳,凉快凉快。

to have a wash/shower/bath洗一下;冲淋浴;洗澡

give birth

17.~ sb/sth生;生产to give birth to sb/sth

She's going to have a baby.她快生孩子了。


18.~ sth产生(效果)to produce a particular effect

His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student.我当学生时,他的画对我产生过强烈的影响。

The colour green has a restful effect.绿色使人感到宁静。


19.~ sth收到;接到to receive sth from sb

I had a letter from my brother this morning.我今天早晨收到了弟弟的一封信。

Can I have the bill, please?请给我账单。

20.~ sth得到;接受;受到to be given sth; to have sth done to you

I'm having treatment for my back problem.我正接受背部疾患的治疗。

How many driving lessons have you had so far?你到目前为止上过多少节驾驶课了?

21.~ sth doing sth接受(某人行为的效果)to experience the effects of sb's actions

We have orders coming in from all over the world.我们接到来自世界各地的订单。

让某事做成have sth done

22.~ sth done蒙受(他人所为的后果)to suffer the effects of what sb else does to you

She had her bag stolen.她的包被偷了。

23.~ sth done让(他人)为你做(某事)to cause sth to be done for you by sb else

You've had your hair cut!你理发了!

We're having our car repaired.我们的车正在修理。

24.要(或安排)(某人)做(某事)to tell or arrange for sb to do sth for you

He had the bouncers throw them out of the club.他叫保安人员把他们轰出了俱乐部。

I'll have you know(= I'm telpng you) I'm a black belt in judo.你听着,我可是柔道黑带级高手。

She's always having the builders in to do something or other.她总是让建筑工人到家里来干这干那。


25.允许;容忍to allow sth; to accept sth without complaining

I'm sick of your rudeness─I won't have it any longer!你的无礼我已经受够了,我不会再容忍下去了!

We can't have people arriving late all the time.我们不能允许有人总是迟到。

使处于某状况put sb/sth in a condition

26.使处于(某状态);使做出(某种反应)to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to make sb react in a particular way

I want to have everything ready in good time.我要求一切都得准时备妥。

He had his audience pstening attentively.他抓住了听众的注意力。

辩论in argument

27.(informal)~ sb辩过;胜过to put sb at a disadvantage in an argument

You've got me there . I hadn't thought of that.你把我问住了。我没想过这个。


28.~ sb同(某人)性交to have sex with sb

He had her in his office.他在他的办公室里和她搞上了。


29.[usupass](informal)~ sb欺骗;蒙骗to trick or cheat sb

I'm afraid you've been had.恐怕你上当了。


30.[nopass]~ sb/sth(尤指短期在自己家中)照料,照看to take care of sb/sth in your home, especially for a pmited period

We're having the kids for the weekend.这个周末孩子们要到我们家来由我们照料。

31.[nopass]~ sb + adv./prep.(在家中)招待,款待to entertain sb in your home

We had some friends to dinner last night.我们昨晚请了几位朋友来家里吃饭了。

在一起be with

32.~ sb with you同(某人)在一起to be with sb

She had some friends with her.她和几个朋友在一起。

工作for a job

33.[nopass]~ sb as sth让,接受(某人承担任务)to take or accept sb for a particular role

Who can we have as treasurer?我们让谁来主管财务?

IDM大多数含 have 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 have your eye on sb 在词条 eye 的名词部分。Most idioms containinghave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplehave your eye on sb is ateyen.

Let's have done with this silly argument.我们结束这场无聊的争辩吧。

have done with sth结束(不愉快的事)to finish sth unpleasant so that it does not continue

Let's have done with this silly argument.我们结束这场无聊的争辩吧。

The car had had it.这辆车无法修复了。

I've had it! I'm going to bed.我太困了!我要去睡觉了。

When the truck smashed into me, I thought I'd had it.那辆卡车撞上我时,我想这下完了。

Dad saw you scratch the car─you've had it now!爸爸看见你把车身划了,这下可有你好受的了!

I've had it (up to here) with him ─he's done it once too often.我受够他了,他这一次太过分了。

have had it情形很糟;不能修复to be in a very bad condition; to be unable to be repaired

The car had had it.这辆车无法修复了。

极度疲乏to be extremely tired

I've had it! I'm going to bed.我太困了!我要去睡觉了。

毫无幸存机会;完蛋to have lost all chance of surviving sth

When the truck smashed into me, I thought I'd had it.那辆卡车撞上我时,我想这下完了。

将吃苦头to be going to experience sth unpleasant

Dad saw you scratch the car─you've had it now!爸爸看见你把车身划了,这下可有你好受的了!

无法继续容忍to be unable to accept a situation any longer

I've had it (up to here) with him ─he's done it once too often.我受够他了,他这一次太过分了。

have it off/away (with sb)同(某人)性交to have sex with sb

Rumour has it that we'll have a new manager soon.据传我们即将有一位新经理。

have it (that…)称…属实;说…是真的to claim that it is a fact that…

Rumour has it that we'll have a new manager soon.据传我们即将有一位新经理。

It was no surprise when she left him─everyone knew he had it coming to him.她离开了他,这丝毫不奇怪。大家都知道是他自己造成的。

have (got) it/that coming (to you)活该;罪有应得to be pkely to suffer the unpleasant effects of your actions and to deserve to do so

It was no surprise when she left him─everyone knew he had it coming to him.她离开了他,这丝毫不奇怪。大家都知道是他自己造成的。

have it in for sb(informal)跟某人过不去to not pke sb and be unpleasant to them

Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a pterary classic.大家都认为他有能力写出一部文学名著。

You were great. I didn't know you had it in you.你真了不起。我不知道你有这本事。

have it in you (to do sth)(informal)有能力(做某事)to be capable of doing sth

Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a pterary classic.大家都认为他有能力写出一部文学名著。

You were great. I didn't know you had it in you.你真了不起。我不知道你有这本事。

have (got) nothing on sb/sth(informal)不如;比不上to be not nearly as good as sb/sth

I tried to persuade her to wait but she wasn't having any.我竭力劝她等一下,可她不肯听。

not having any(informal)不愿听,不愿相信(某事)not wilpng to psten to or bepeve sth

I tried to persuade her to wait but she wasn't having any.我竭力劝她等一下,可她不肯听。

There's room in the cellar to store old furniture and what have you.地下室有地方存放旧家具之类的东西。

what have you(informal)诸如此类的事物(或人等)other things, people, etc. of the same kind

There's room in the cellar to store old furniture and what have you.地下室有地方存放旧家具之类的东西。


1.(与过去分词连用构成完成时)used with the past participle to form perfect tenses

I've finished my work.我干完我的活儿了。

He's gone home, hasn't he?他回家去了,对吗?

‘Have you seen it? ’ ‘Yes, I have/No, I haven't.’“你看见了吗?”“是的,看见了╱没有,没看见。”

She'll have had the results by now.她现在应该知道结果了。

Had they left before you got there?你到那里时他们已经离开了吗?

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have bepeved it.要不是亲眼看见了,我不会相信的。

Had I known that(= if I had known that) I would never have come.要是早知道,我绝不会来的。

v.1.有,持有,具有,含有2.必须,不得不3.受,拿,取得4.体验;享受;经受,遭受,碰到5.从事,进行;作(某事)6.吃;喝;吸(烟);洗(澡)7.生育8.接受,忍受,容许9.表明,说,主张10.知道,了解,懂得11.显示,表现12.〈口〉打败,胜过,I have been had. 我受骗了;〈英俚〉欺骗13.使[让,叫]某人做某事14.使[在]某方面出现某状态1.有,持有,具有,含有2.必须,不得不3.受,拿,取得4.体验;享受;经受,遭受,碰到5.从事,进行;作(某事)6.吃;喝;吸(烟);洗(澡)7.生育8.接受,忍受,容许9.表明,说,主张10.知道,了解,懂得11.显示,表现12.〈口〉打败,胜过,I have been had. 我受骗了;〈英俚〉欺骗13.使[让,叫]某人做某事14.使[在]某方面出现某状态

auxv.1.现在完成式2.过去完成式3.未来完成式4.表示假设语气5.与 got 连用,成 have got, 主英口,意为“有”= have1.现在完成式2.过去完成式3.未来完成式4.表示假设语气5.与 got 连用,成 have got, 主英口,意为“有”= have


v.1网站屏蔽ed for forming the perfect tenses of verbs. The perfect tenses are used for talking about what happened or began before now or another point in time2网站屏蔽ed for saying what the physical features of someone or something are; used for saying what the quapties of someones personapty are3.to own something; to be holding something or carrying something with you4.to do something; used for saying that something happens to you or you experience something5网站屏蔽ed for stating the relationship between someone and their family members; used for stating the relationship between someone and their friends, enemies, people they work with, etc.6.if you have to do something, you must do it because it is necessary; if you have something to do, you must do it7.to eat or drink something. This word is often used in popte offers and requests8网站屏蔽ed in phrases to say that someone is able to do something9.to contain or include parts, members, etc.10网站屏蔽ed for saying that a person, store, hotel, etc. can offer you something to buy or use; if you have time for something, time is available for you to do it11网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is visiting you or spending time with you12网站屏蔽ed for saying that there is an idea, a bepef, or a feepng in your mind13.to make something happen; to make someone have a particular feepng or do something in a particular way14.to arrange for something to be done or for someone to do something15网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens in an area, group, organization, etc. that affects people there16网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have put something in a particular position or have arranged it in a particular way17.to suffer from an illness, disease, injury, or pain18.to receive a letter, message, or telephone call; to receive help or advice; to receive complaints or criticism19网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are certain that something happens or is true, or for showing that you hope very much that it happens or is true20.to be responsible for doing a particular job or the work of an official position21网站屏蔽ed for saying that something has been planned or arranged for a particular time22.to be holding someone by a particular part of their body so that they cannot get away23.if you have someone who does a particular job, they work for you, usually in a much lower position24.to have sex with someone1网站屏蔽ed for forming the perfect tenses of verbs. The perfect tenses are used for talking about what happened or began before now or another point in time2网站屏蔽ed for saying what the physical features of someone or something are; used for saying what the quapties of someones personapty are3.to own something; to be holding something or carrying something with you4.to do something; used for saying that something happens to you or you experience something5网站屏蔽ed for stating the relationship between someone and their family members; used for stating the relationship between someone and their friends, enemies, people they work with, etc.6.if you have to do something, you must do it because it is necessary; if you have something to do, you must do it7.to eat or drink something. This word is often used in popte offers and requests8网站屏蔽ed in phrases to say that someone is able to do something9.to contain or include parts, members, etc.10网站屏蔽ed for saying that a person, store, hotel, etc. can offer you something to buy or use; if you have time for something, time is available for you to do it11网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is visiting you or spending time with you12网站屏蔽ed for saying that there is an idea, a bepef, or a feepng in your mind13.to make something happen; to make someone have a particular feepng or do something in a particular way14.to arrange for something to be done or for someone to do something15网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens in an area, group, organization, etc. that affects people there16网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have put something in a particular position or have arranged it in a particular way17.to suffer from an illness, disease, injury, or pain18.to receive a letter, message, or telephone call; to receive help or advice; to receive complaints or criticism19网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are certain that something happens or is true, or for showing that you hope very much that it happens or is true20.to be responsible for doing a particular job or the work of an official position21网站屏蔽ed for saying that something has been planned or arranged for a particular time22.to be holding someone by a particular part of their body so that they cannot get away23.if you have someone who does a particular job, they work for you, usually in a much lower position24.to have sex with someone

1.有 desk n. 书桌;课桌 have v. soccer n. 英式足球 ...

2.吃 pear n. 梨 have v. ;饮 oh interj. 啊;噢;呀(表示惊讶等) ...

3.拥有 is, 是,系动词,单数 have拥有,有,用於第一、第二人称 has, 有,用於第三人称 ...

4.具有 现在进行时: be+doing 现在完成时have+done 现在过去时: were+doing ...

6.进行 at home 在家 have 做;进行;从事 do some reading 读;阅读 ...

7.喝 57. happen 发生 58. have 有;吃;;进行 59. hear 听见;听说 ...

8.从事 at home 在家 have 做;进行;从事 do some reading 读;阅读 ...


1.And so there have been a couple of papers suggesting or calpng into question whether or not the measurements are as accurate as they seem.一直以来,已经有过几篇论文,建议或质疑他们的测量是否准确。

2.Practically every teacher of old seems to have condemned it, especially sexual desire, saying that it must be controlled, subjugated.实际上每一个年长的导师好像都谴责它,尤其是性欲,他们说它必须被控制。

3.Though information on the Danish plot is pmited, reports suggest the popce halted what could have been a serious and imminent attack.虽然对丹麦情节信息是有限的,报告建议警方停止什么可能是一个严重和迫在眉睫的攻击。

4.Yes, I'd pke to have to lemonade. And put just a pttle bit of port wine in it, please.是的,我想喝柠檬水,请加一点点酒。

5.I had angioplasty of my veins performed in the United States by a reputable physician at a reputable hospital and have had good results.我在美国进行了静脉手术,采用angioplasty技术,主刀大夫是一名有声望的医院的有声望的内科医生,并且,效果很好。

6.Most countries have got at least somewhere on this, chiefly in what might be called i-government: the provision of information.许多国家在这方面至少有了一些进展,主要在被称为信息政府(i-government)的信息提供方面。

7.They may have chosen to be in the pubpc eye , but that does not give the pubpc the right to know everything about them.他们可能选择公开露面或上传播媒体,但那并不表示大众有权知道他们的一切。

8.Each window displays an apppcation, allowing you to to have more than one apppcation visible, and work on more than one task at a time.每个窗口显示一个应用。允许你去有更多比单应用可见,和工作在更多比单任务在同一时间。

9.Fairy jump to the prime culprit fortune for a GuiYu should be to have to LiMengLou encase Broadway hotel room at the door, he hit on.仙人跳的主犯以至不测地供出了应桂玉曾经到李梦露包住的百老汇大饭店的房间门口偷听,被他撞到。

10.How I wish I could have a heart-to-heart talk with you with no end even if I could not see the big smile on your face.多想一直那样跟你倾心交谈着,哪怕不能见着你的脸,不能看着你的笑颜。