




1.我瘫软在地 ... Lying on the floor,surrounded,surrounded 我瘫软在地,环绕着,环绕着 Why'd you have to wait? 你在等什么? ...

2.躺在地上 You found me,you found me 你找到了我,你找到了我 Lying on the floor 躺在地上, Surrounded,surrounded 被包围住,被包围 ...

3.躺在地面上 ... You found me,you found me 你找到了我 你找到了我 Lying on the floor 躺在地面上 Surrounded,surrounded 围绕著 ...

4.躺在地板上 ... Lying on the floor 躺在地板上 surrounded,surrounded (被你)围绕着,围 …


1.She found her daughter lying on the floor at a bat mitzvah, surrounded by a group of boys, waiting for her "prince" to come and wake her.她看到她女儿在一次成人礼上躺在地板上,周围是一圈儿男孩,她在等待着她的“王子”来唤醒她。

2.she leant against her father's knee, and Heathcpff was lying on the floor with his head in her lap.她靠在父亲的膝前,希刺克厉夫躺在地板上,头枕着她的腿。

3.They found her lying on the floor. They ran to her and pulled the comb out of her hair.他们发现她躺在地板上,便跑过去把梳子从她的头发上拔下来。

4.It is dack around. But I found a man tied lying on the floor.四周都很黑,但我看见一个人被绳子捆着躺在地板上。

5.eg. They broke into her uncle's bedroom and found the man lying on the floor, dead. Around his head was a brown snake.他们破门进入她叔叔的卧室,发现他躺在地板上死了。一条棕褐色的蛇缠在他头上。

6.Instead of looking at the blackboard in the front of the Classroom, the kids are lying on the floor near their desks practicing yoga.那些孩子躺在他们课桌旁的地上练瑜珈,却没有看教室前面的黑板。

7.I was lying on the floor with my face against the carpet, trying to catch my breathe.我扑倒在地板上,把脸埋进地毯里,试图调整自己的呼吸。

8.Lying on the floor was a dead man, in evening dress, with a knife in his heart.地上由躺着一个身穿夜礼服的死者,胸口插着一把刀。

9.Lying on the floor brick above that of water, pke a butcher carpenter in wash pork.躺在地板砖上面让水冲,活脱脱的一个杀猪匠在洗猪肉。

10.Photos posted onpne by passengers showed some of the injured covered in blood and lying on the floor of the train.有些乘客把车内伤者情况的照片发到网上,照片上有人满身是血,有人躺倒在地。