


美式发音: [ˈvɪdʒɪləns] 英式发音: ['vɪdʒɪləns]








n.1.the activity of watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately

1.警戒 健康 Fitness 警戒 Vigilance 囲绕 Egression ...

2.警惕 appearance 出现 vigilance 警惕(性) clearance 清除,清理 ...

3.警觉 The mirror:Impartiapty 公 平 ? The rooster:vigilance 警 觉 ? The ship:original activity 国 际 性 ? ...

4.失眠症 vigil 警戒,监视,守夜 vigilance 警戒,警觉心,失眠症 vigilant 机警的,警惕的 ...

5.警惕性 confidential 机密的 vigilance 警惕,警惕性 at the disposal of sb. 供某人之用 ...

6.警觉心 vigil 警戒,监视,守夜 vigilance 警戒,警觉心,失眠症 vigilant 机警的,警惕的 ...

7.戒心 ◎ 戒条[ precept] ◎ 戒心[ vigilance] ◎ 戒严令[ martial law] ...

8.警觉性 ... Vertex sharp transients,vertex sharp waves 颅顶尖波 Vigilance 警觉性 Zeitgeber 时间线索 ...


1.This man had exercised the office of turnkey with so much vigilance, acuteness, and fidepty, that he gradually rose to be governor.此公当看守一向谨慎小心,精明能干,忠心耿耿,因此逐步迁升为典狱。

2.Be worth check. pair of a few data in conduct propaganda, want what whether vigilance has digital game to disrepsh .值得查证。而对宣传中的一些数据,要警惕是否有数字游戏之嫌。

3.If she did not resist atrophy with every cell in her body, it would creep in as soon as she dropped her vigilance.如果她不用全身的细胞去对抗萎缩,那么只要她稍一松懈,这种萎缩将会很快蔓延到她的全身。

4.It would be easy to read Stevens's dream as a symptom of PTSD, expressing fear, hyper vigilance and avoidance.我们很容易把史蒂文斯的梦解读成PTSD的症状,以为它表达了恐惧、过度警戒与逃避。

5.Besides, only the face of a computer screen, the heart of suspicion vigilance is probably inevitable.何况现在,只是面对着一个电脑屏幕,猜疑警惕之心恐怕是难免的。

6.With a new man in the White House, regulators in Washington let it be known that they intended to act with greater vigilance.随着新人入主白宫,华盛顿的监管者们要让人们知道他们会提高警惕。

7.But GouJian of caution, making the prince gradually relaxed vigilance, wu zixu renounce also all the ear side by him as the wind.但勾践的谨慎行事,使得吴王渐渐地放松了警惕,伍子胥的所有谏言也被他当作耳旁之风。

8.But absent a federal Europe with an American-style constitution, most of the vigilance will have to be exercised by national governments.但是欧洲联邦没有美国风格的宪法制度,所以大部分的警戒举措都要由各国政府来实施。

9."The depth and systemic nature of the crisis call for exceptional vigilance, coordination and readiness to take bold action, " the IMF said.“的深度和全局性的危机需要特殊的警惕,协调和准备采取大胆的行动,”IMF称。

10.the actions of a vigilance committee in trying to enforce the laws.保安委员会试图加强法律的行为。