


美式发音: [b'lutʃər] 英式发音: [b'lu:tʃə]





1.布吕歇尔 ... 布卢库图 Bulukutu 布卢彻 Blucher 布卢德 Bulude ...

7.半统靴 blubbery 鲸脂的 blucher 半统靴 bludgeon 大头棒 ...

8.外耳式鞋(4)外耳式鞋(Blucher)  外耳式鞋据传为19世纪初普鲁士的一位将军Blucher发明。外耳式鞋的特征是鞋耳位于前帮口门之外, …


1.At five o'clock Welpngton drew out his watch, and he was heard to murmur these sinister words, "Blucher, or night! "五点钟时威灵顿取出他的表,说了这样一句忧心如焚的话:“布吕歇尔不来就完了!”

2.I walked about the city a good deal with a young Mr. Blucher, who was booked for the excursion.我陪了一个名叫勃鲁吉的青年人,在城里逛了好多路,这人也是登记前去游览的。

3.At this epoch when Waterloo is only a clashing of swords, above Blucher, Germany has Schiller; above Welpngton , England has Byron.当滑铁卢剑声铮铮的时代,在布吕歇尔之上,德国有哥德,在威灵顿之上,英国有拜伦。

4.Blucher from Prussia and the Duke of Welpngton wanted Napoleon stopped. Therefore, they marched their armies to the French border.普鲁士的布吕歇尔和威灵顿公爵想阻止拿破仑,于是他们率军来到法国边境。

5.Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Welpngton routed the French forces under Napoleon.普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。

6.About the first adventure we had yesterday afternoon after landing here, came near finishing that heedless Blucher.我们上岸后,在昨天下午碰到了头一件险事,差点断送了冒失鬼勃鲁吉的性命。

7.If we take Waterloo from Welpngton and Blucher, do we thereby deprive England and Germany of anything?我们假设把滑铁卢从威灵顿和布吕歇尔的手中夺回,英国和德国会丧失什么吗?

8.The Blucher went only 4 miles per hour, but it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up hill.布吕歇尔号蒸汽机车的时速只有4英里,但是它拖载了30吨煤上山。

9.The Blucher went4 miles per hour, it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up hill.布吕歇尔号蒸汽机车的时速只有4英里,它拖载了30吨煤上山。

10.Because of Blucher?由于布吕歇尔的缘故吗?