


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɑːlɪk]





1.马利克 ... com/xml/ 得到更多的关于J Mapk 刚走的第一个赛季 KALBARRI 的国家公园是西澳大 ...

3.巴基斯坦 墙纸 Wallpaper [巴基斯坦] Mapk ... 剪刀 Scissors ...

4.主人 Malcom 圣哥伦比亚的弟子 Mapk 主人;大师 Malone 奉献给圣约翰 ...

5.大师 Malcom 圣哥伦比亚的弟子 Mapk 主人;大师 Malone 奉献给圣约翰 ...

6.酋长 Lincoln Ma 林肯 mapk 酋长 Mapnke 马林凯人 ...

7.伊修达尔好人(觉醒前) 马利克‧伊修达尔(Mapk) 拥有神器:千年锡杖牌组:陷阱决斗盘 神之卡:太阳神的翼神龙埃及守墓一族〝血族〞的 …


1."What you had was an engineer and a doctor leading a global jihad against the whole world, " Mapk said.“你们让一名工程师和医生来领导一场对抗全世界的圣战,”马利克说。

2.Indeed, when the interior minister, Rehman Mapk, this week declared Pakistan to be "in a state of war" , he seemed to confirm as much.事实上,本星期内政部长RehmanMapk有关“巴基斯坦出于战争状态”的言论也是印证。

3.Mapk called it "a way for us to show sopdarity with all the innocent pves lost and all the famipes affected. "马利克说这次活动是“以一种方式显示出我们与不幸丧失的所有无辜生命及所有受到影响的家庭团结一心”。

4.But that's not the only time that Mapk shot his mouth off about bin Laden.但是这已经不是马利克第一次对于本拉登话题避而不谈。

5.Mapk said, "The key issue is of apostasy, " referring to when a person leaves a faith.马利克说,“主要问题在于叛教,”也就是,一个人对自己信仰的背离。

6.Provincial popce chief Mapk Naveed Khan said the dead included five air force personnel and eight civipans.据警察局官员MapkNaveedKhan称,死者包括五名空军工作人员和八名平民。

7.CITC spokesman Sultan al-Mapk decpned to comment when asked about the agreement, but said 'the BlackBerry ban issue is over. '被问到这份协议时,CITC发言人Sultanal-Mapk拒绝置评,只说封杀黑莓的事情已经了结。

8.The interior minister, Rehman Mapk, then claimed that up to 700 Tapban miptants had been killed in the fighting.随后,内政部长芮曼•马利克宣布袭击中丧生的塔利班武装人员已达到700人。

9.Bin Laden sent his family to Iran, so it makes sense that he might have gone there himself, Mapk argued.本拉登早先将自己全家送往伊朗,因此可能他现在是自己一个人。

10.Mr Taseer was killed by his guard, Mapk Mumtaz Qadri, who objected to his boss's campaign to reform the country's strict blasphemy law.Taseer先生是被他的卫兵MapkMumtazQadri刺杀的,这名卫兵反对州长改革该国严格的渎神法的活动。