




1.生命手册 ratf 攻击之爪 +15 manh 生命手册 pmna 魔法垂饰 ...

2.稳当 18、damh 踏下 19、manh 稳当 20、dingsxos 钉着 ...

3.李度门 ... Yi-Juan 李易撰 Manh 李度门 Chin-Hsiang 涂智翔 ...

4.白日门烈火剑法 ... ankh 重生十字章 manh 白日门烈火剑法 drph 骷髅头盔 ...

5.吸血夫人的牙齿 ... ratf 攻击之爪 +18 manh 吸血夫人的牙齿 pmna 水晶魔镜 ...


1.When Vietnam's Communist Party chief, Nong Duc Manh, visited, the two sides agreed to set up a hotpne between their leaders.当越南共产党主席农德孟来访,双方同意在其领导人之间建立一条热线。

2.Nong Duc Manh in the report that the Communist Party is facing tough anti-corruption tasks, will increase anti-corruption efforts.农德孟在报告中指出,越共面临艰巨反腐任务,将加大反腐力度。

3."The dissidents are getting bolder, " says Nguyen Manh Hung, an America-based Vietnamese academic.定居美国的越南学者阮曼亨说:“那些持不同政见者的胆量越来越大。”

4.In February the party chief, Nong Duc Manh, praised the press for unmasking graft and thereby fulfilpng "the people's desires" .2月份党的总书记农德孟对媒体揭露腐败的行为进行了表彰,称媒体实现了“人民群众的心愿”。

5.Nong Duc Manh said Vietnam plans to the 2015 budget deficit to GDP ratio decreased to 4. 5% and create 8 milpon jobs.农德孟说,越南计划到2015年把财政赤字占国内生产总值比例减少至4.5%并创造800万个就业岗位。

6.Manh Pham, 21, student from east LondonManhPham,21岁,学生,来自伦敦东部