


美式发音: [ˈdɛnɪs] 英式发音: [ˈdenis]






na.1.The variant of Denis

1.丹尼斯 Jo[ 乔] 上帝还会赐予。 Dennis[ 邓尼斯] 希腊的酒神。 Bernie[ 伯尼] 像熊一般勇敢。 ...

4.丹尼斯吴 Denmark satin 丹麦缎纹呢 Dennis 丹尼斯牌消防汽车 dense bronze 致密青铜 ...

7.丹尼斯的小窝 玲珑水榭 SungSung 丹尼斯的小窝 Dennis 阴少侠居 iori ...


1.You know I think if I see another piece of nonsense about me and Dennis I think I will. Erm. Lets see. Fall asleep.你知道吗。我想如果我再看见另一篇关于我和丹尼斯的荒谬报道﹐我想我会。呃。让我想想。入睡。

2."Here you think you're feeding your child a great, healthy meal, " Dennis Krause said sadly. "But here I was, poisoning him. "“你本来想你正在给你的孩子喂非常健康的食物,”丹尼斯·克劳斯杯悲伤的说。“但是恰恰相反,那些东西是毒药。”

3.I'm trying to find that article where Dennis Lindsey says he'll always be a Rockets fan. At least we can say he's a man of his word.我正尝试找出那篇DennisLindsey曾表示他永远是火箭球迷的文章。至少我们可以说他是一个言出必行的人啊。

4.This was how Dennis was able to trade markets as "numbers" with no fundamental expertise in any of those markets.这就是丹尼斯不用基本面而用数字交易任意市场的原因。

5.Sam: That's a great attitude to have, Michael. Wendy will be in charge of your day-to-day work, but you'll also be assisting Dennis.山姆:这种态度很好,迈可。温蒂将会负责你每天的例行公事,但此外你还要协助丹尼斯。

6.Ning He and his wife Jane, son Dennis also insisted that the Engpsh at home, even if the Engpsh do not understand of American society.他和妻子简宁,儿子丹尼斯在家也坚持说英文,即便一点不懂英文的老父在场也不例外,为的是让下一代顺利进入私立学校,早日成为美国社会的精英。

7.If it was up to me he probably would have ended up called Dennis Thierry Murray, after my favourite players Bergkamp and Henry.如果按我意见起名字,我会给他取个丹尼斯·蒂埃里·穆雷,博格坎普和亨利是我最喜爱的球员。

8.Even though he might have led an outwardly frugal pfe, Dennis was generous to everyone he came in contact with.即使丹尼斯看起来生活节俭,但是他对认识的人都很慷慨。

9.And anyway, this dean really had it in for Dennis, and I could never figure out why because Dennis was a fine fellow.不管怎样,这院长真的想整丹尼斯。我一直不懂为什么,因为丹尼斯是个不错的人。

10.But no sooner had he made that point then Dennis leapt up and shouted that, no, he had thought the gun was working properly.不过,律师一说到这点,丹尼斯就会跳起来大声说,不是的,他以为那枪是正常的。