

immune system

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1.免疫系统the system in your body that produces substances to help it fight against infection and disease


n.1.the system in your body that protects you against diseases

1.免疫系统的 ... experimentation n. 实验,试验 immune-system 免疫系统的 gear v. 调整,(使) …


1.If that were easy to do, skeptics say, the immune system would have figured it out and people would have lasting protection.怀疑者说,如果不费力就能做到这一点,免疫系统早该知道怎么做了,人们也早就得到永久的免疫力了。

2."It may very well be that this tolerance is lost once the immune system is no longer exposed to the allergen daily, " Wood says.“一旦免疫系统不每天接触过敏原,这种耐受性可以会消失。”Wood说。

3.It was her own immune system, attacking the joint in her body and cripppng her so badly that she often had to use a wheelchair.就是她自己的免疫系统,攻击她体内的关节,严重削弱她的行为能力,使她必须经常借助轮椅。

4.How much do vertebrates depend on the innate immune system to fight infection?脊椎动物有多麽依赖与生俱来的免疫系统去对抗感染呢?

5.Strong heart, clear mind, and a tough immune system: Now you're ready to start another perfect day.强心,清晰头脑,并提高免疫力。现在您准备开始另一种完美的一天。

6.fast enough to re infect people after recovery (see influenza) or to keep the immune system from fighting them off.有些病毒突变十分快速,在复原之后会再次感染,或让免疫系统无法击退它们。

7.This means that the immune system was able to detect and respond to infection by the mutant strain better than normal TB.这就表明相比于正常的TB,免疫系统更易于监测和对受染的突变菌株产生应答。

8.Prednisone, a steroid that dampens the immune system, is often the first pne of treatment, Dryden said.强的松是抑制免疫系统的类固醇药,它常是一线药。

9.But the immune system could react differently if it had these antibodies before infection.但是如果在感染之前就有这些抗体,免疫系统的反应可能会不同。

10.The minicells do not seem to be highly provocative to the immune system, even though they are made of bacterial cell membrane.微细胞不会引起免疫系统的高度反应,尽管它们是由细菌细胞膜组成的。