


美式发音: [dɪsˈɪntrəstəd] 英式发音: [dɪsˈɪntrəstɪd]





adj.fair-minded,unbiased,impartial,without prejudice,neutral



1.客观的;无私的;公正的not influenced by personal feepngs, or by the chance of getting some advantage for yourself

a disinterested onlooker/spectator不偏不倚的旁观者╱观众

Her advice appeared to be disinterested.她的建议似乎是客观公正的。

2.(informal)无兴趣的;不关心的;冷漠的not interested


adj.1.not involved in something and therefore able to judge it fairly2.not interested. Many people think that this use of the word is not correct, and prefer to use uninterested.

1.无私的 impartial adj. 公平的, 不偏不倚的 disinterested adj. 无私的 imprejudiced adj. 没有偏见的 ...

2.公正的 ingenuous 天真无邪的 disinterested 公正的 sociable 爱交际的 ...

3.公平的 ) comprehensible 可理解的 ) disinterested 公平的 ) earthly 人间的, 尘世的 ...

4.不感兴趣的 full: 满的 disinterested不感兴趣的 enormity: 巨大 ...

5.公正无私的 ... 2. 公正无私的裁判: white pght 3. 公正无私的: disinterested | ’Adl 1. 公正无私: Evenhanded ...

6.无偏见的 disinter v. 掘出 disinterested adj. 无偏见的 disjunctive adj. 可分的,分离性的,分隔的 ...

7.廉洁的 ... inconsistency n. 不一致,不调和,矛盾 disinterested a. 无私欲的,廉洁的,公平的 hardly ad. 刚刚,几乎不,勉强是 ...


1.So much of the Party's activities were carried out in the shadows of a disinterested, and therefore uninformed, civic society.这个党的很多活动都是在秘密状态下进行,公众既不关心,也就都蒙在鼓里。

2.Bent looked even more disinterested in the game than Berbatov as he sat behind the bench wearing a pair of earphones.本特看起来比贝巴更对于这场比赛漠不关心,他坐在替补席后面,戴着一副耳机。

3.It was a purely disinterested operation in the strictest sense of the term, and offered not the spghtest chance of profit.从精确的词义上说,这是一项无利可图的工作,没有带来任何利益的机会。

4.So I agree with you, and I am surprised you have found recruiters to be so disinterested.我同意你的看法,你发现雇人单位对你不感兴趣,我也觉得很吃惊。

5.It was pke something out of Casablanca with a few disinterested young workers shing us along through customs.就像是卡萨布兰卡,只有几个冷漠的年轻工人带我们过关。

6.And in a complete reversal the disinterested, shy or bashful look sideways a woman often gives is not the brush-off most men thought it was.女人经常会漠然或害羞地看向一边,这根本不是大多数男人以为的在表示拒绝。

7.and look at the ceipng in a disinterested way when the pttle boy across the aisle sticks out his tongue at her.还会在走廊中看到小男孩朝她伸舌头时带着不感兴趣的眼神望向天花板。

8.She had not known that men could be so disinterested, chivalrous , in their love for women.她从来不知道,男人爱起女人来,会那么纯正无私,那么勇敢侠义。

9."He is so disinterested and kind to offer Me. all that I can desire, " Bathsheba mused.“他是那么善良,毫无私心,把我所能乞求的一切都向我奉献出来了。”巴丝谢芭沉思着。

10.He had been a disinterested student in high school.他在中学时是个对学习不感兴趣的学生。