




1.植原体研究与验证 --山芙蓉萃取物所蕴含的生物活性成份-植化素(phytoplasma)其安全性高,肌肤修护效果亦非常显著,HITOLY将 …


1.The research progress in phytoplasma, including etiology, genetic evolution and genome, pathogenic mechanism and control, were reviewed.本文主要对植原体的病原学、遗传进化与基因组、致病机理以及防控进行综述。

2.Phytoplasma is similar to mycoplasma and spiroplasma in size, structure and genetic evolution.在菌体大小、结构以及遗传进化上与菌原体、螺原体十分相似。

3.Primary vectors for transmitting phytoplasma are insects feeding on the sap of phloem, such as leafhopper, and psylla.植原体病原主要依靠吸食植物韧皮部的昆虫介体传播,如叶蝉、木虱等。

4.Investigation on Phytoplasma Disease in Different Species and Provenance of the Genus Paulownia泡桐属不同种和种源对丛枝病抗性调查

5.The adaptabipty of an artificial medium in the screening of phytoplasma insect vectors人工培养液在植原体昆虫介体筛选中的适用性

6.Comparison of the detection sensitivity of various primer pairs for phytoplasma不同引物对植原体的检测灵敏度比较研究

7.determination of coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma椰子致死黄化植原体检测方法

8.Prepminary Identifying on Host Range of Wheat Phytoplasma Blue Dwarf Disease小麦植原体兰矮病寄主范围初步鉴定

9.Detection and identification of phytoplasma associated with peach red leaf桃红叶植原体检测及鉴定

10.Molecular Detection of Phytoplasma associated with Wheat Blue Dwarf小麦蓝矮病植原体的分子生物学检测研究