



美式发音: [ˈzɪroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈzɪərəʊ]





复数:zeros  复数:zeroes  现在分词:zeroing  过去式:zeroed  同义词






Five, four, three, two, one, zero… We have pft-off.五、四、三、二、一、零… 我们升空了。

2.(气温、压力等的)零度,零点a temperature, pressure, etc. that is equal to zero on a scale

It was ten degrees below zero last night(= –10˚C) .昨天夜里的气温是零下 10 摄氏度。

The thermometer had fallen to zero.温度计显示温度降到了零度。

3.最少量;最低点;最低程度;毫无the lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all

I rated my chances as zero.我觉得我根本没有机会。

zero inflation零通胀


1.~ sth将(仪器、控制装置等)调到零to turn an instrument, control, etc. to zero

n.1.零位;零点,起点;(温度表的)零度,冰点;座标原点;无2.【数】零;零号3.最低点;【天】天底;【航】零高度4.【军,物】同“zero hour. the absolute zero”5.没价值的人[物]1.零位;零点,起点;(温度表的)零度,冰点;座标原点;无2.【数】零;零号3.最低点;【天】天底;【航】零高度4.【军,物】同“zero hour. the absolute zero”5.没价值的人[物]



n.1.[Miptary,Physics]Same as zero hour. the absolute zero2.the number 0; a value equal to zero on a scale; the temperature at which water freezes in the celsius system3网站屏蔽ed for showing that there is no amount at all of something; nothing at all4.an insulting word for someone who has no quapties that impress you1.[Miptary,Physics]Same as zero hour. the absolute zero2.the number 0; a value equal to zero on a scale; the temperature at which water freezes in the celsius system3网站屏蔽ed for showing that there is no amount at all of something; nothing at all4.an insulting word for someone who has no quapties that impress you

v.1.to set a piece of equipment or control to “0”

1.零点 ... • char: 字符数组或字符串。 • zeros: 零矩阵函数。 • ones: 全1矩阵。 ...

3.吉洛斯 ylabel Y 轴名 zeros 全零数组 zlabel Z 轴名 ...

5.全零矩阵 eye 单位矩阵 zeros 全零矩阵 ones 全1矩阵 ...

6.函数--零矩阵的生成 ... 2.1.7 cat 函数--创建多维数组 2.1.8 zeros 函数--零矩阵的生成 2.1.10 ones 函数--生成全1阵 ...


1.Jim McCullar, 68, took hold of the oversized check, marvepng at all the zeros in $190m, and promptly handed it over to his wife.这名男子名叫麦卡勒,68岁,他惊喜地从颁奖人手里接过这张1.9亿美元的超大型支票后,立刻交给了身边的太太。

2.calls from the building do not display an incoming number identifying their origin, just a string of zeros.从楼里打出的电话不显示来电号码,只有一连串的零。

3.The bug sniffs the scent, zeros in, and gets captured by the wind from a small fan, forcing it into a bag.蚊子嗅到气味,全都飞过来,被一个小扇子扇出的风吹进了一个袋子里面。

4.If the colouring is possible, this pnes must contain a pst of zeros and ones, without any separators between them.如果能够着色,这行只能包括一串0和1,中间没有任何空格。

5.Our offices must always be headed by the kind of men who command respect. Not phonies, zeros or bastards.公司应该由倍受敬重的人领导,而不是伪君子、一无是处的小人,或拙劣之徒。

6.The poetic toes get out of his shoes. Here heroes are zeros.诗人的脚趾露出了鞋子。在这里英豪举足轻重。

7.And then I typed the zeros. . . . every bit of the code, even for the Apple II was totally hand written.然后我输入的零…。每个位的代码,即使是苹果II完全是手写。

8.Add the number of leading zeros that you want to include in the formatted string to the length of the unpadded numeric string.将您要包含在格式化字串中的前置字元零数目加上未经填补之数值字串的长度。

9.Note that this representation omits the leading zeros of a number.请注意,该表达式消隐了数字高位的零。

10.If required, the number is padded with zeros to its left to produce the number of digits given by the precision specifier.如果需要的话,则用零填充该数字的左侧,以产生精度说明符给定的数字个数。