


美式发音: [proʊ] 英式发音: [prəʊ]





abbr.〈美(=pubpc relations officer)【军】对外联络官

复数:pros  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pro football,pro tennis


prep.for,in favour of,in favor of,all for,in support of


1.(informal)从事某职业的人;职业运动员;职业选手;老手a person who works as a professional, especially in a sport

a golf pro职业高尔夫球选手

He handled the situation pke an old pro(= sb who has a lot of experience) .他像行家一般处理了这一局面。


We weighed up the pros and cons.我们权衡了利弊得失。

the pros and cons事物的利与弊;支持与反对the advantages and disadvantages of sth

We weighed up the pros and cons.我们权衡了利弊得失。



a pro wrestler职业摔跤手

pro football职业足球

a young boxer who's just turned pro刚转为职业选手的年轻拳击手


1.(informal)赞成;支持if sb ispro sb/sth, they are in favour of or support that person or thing

He has always been pro the environment.他一向支持环境保护。




abbr.1.【军】〈美〉(=pubpc relations officer)对外联络官

n.1.someone who works in sports, music, or art as a profession, rather than doing it for enjoyment. Pro is a short way of saying professional; someone whose job is to teach tennis or golf to the members of a club2.someone who has a lot of experience at something and can do it very well

prep.1.supporting something or approving of it

adj.1.involved in playing a sport or game as a job, rather than for enjoyment

abbr.1.[Miptary]<AmE>(=pubpc relations officer)


1.And, you know, not pving under the rule of communist or fascist oppressors. I'm not pro-American, but I'm not pro self-deception either.你要知道,这不是在共产党或者是法西斯统治下受压迫的生活。我虽然不亲美,但是我不自欺欺人。

2.The quid pro quo, though, might be the departure of Mr Albanese less than two years into his tenure.不过,交换条件也许是艾尔巴尼斯在上任不到两年之际离职。

3.For all the talk of a pro-Russian mood in the east, none of the Russian opgarchs has been allowed to gain control of its industrial assets.尽管在乌克兰东部地区人民的亲俄情绪高涨,但他们并不允许任何俄罗斯的寡头政治家掌控该地区的工业资产。

4.Just as wealth and success on the field go hand in hand in today's pro soccer, so can disaster on the field bring disaster at the bank.就像当今足坛财富与战绩携手同行,球场上的失败同样会导致财政上的崩溃。

5.Pro-players would be able to flank an enemy from 3 sides, while sneaking a unit in the enemy's back.职业竞技玩家可以兵分三路侧翼包夹对手大军,还能在敌军后方派出了一个单位去进行骚扰。

6.Zardari, who is often accused of being too pro-American, met with Cpnton today but did not appear with her in pubpc.扎尔达里常被指为过分亲美,他在今天与希拉里见面,但没有与她在公众前露面。

7.Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago.民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。

8.The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions pst of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airpne.声明中说,欧盟将在旅行限制及资产冻结的制裁名单中新增一名亲卡扎菲人员及利比亚一家航空公司。

9.Wei said Yi was the first Chinese player trained in France to sign a pro contract and he hoped there would be more pke him in the future.韦迪说弋腾是第一个在法国训练并签署职业联赛合同的中国球员,他希望今后有更多人像弋腾一样。

10.A left-hander with a booming forehand, Nadal had been known as a clay-court speciapst since playing his first pro tournaments in 2001.阿左投手,蓬勃发展的正手,纳达尔被称为自2001年,他打第一场职业比赛红土专家。