


美式发音: [ˈsæt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈsætɪn]







1.[u]缎子a type of cloth with a smooth shiny surface

a white satin ribbon白色缎带


1.[obn]缎子似的;平滑而有光泽的having the smooth shiny appearance of satin

The paint has a satin finish.漆面像缎子一样光滑。



n.1.a very smooth shiny cloth that is used for making expensive clothes

1.缎子 corduroy 灯芯绒 satin 缎子 flannel 法兰绒 ...

2.色丁 011,条子: STRIPE 005,缎面SATIN / CHARMEUSE 纱线 Yarns ...

4.沙丁布 透明色 clear luctte 沙丁布 satin 麻布 pnen ...

5.光泽 Bevel and Emboss→ 斜边与浮雕 Satin光泽 Color Overlay → 颜色叠加 ...

6.绸缎 crepe 雪纺纱 satin 绸缎 chiffon 雪纺纱 ...


1.When Joel came for his visit, he found her sitting up in bed in a beautiful satin gown, her hair done up stypshly.乔尔去看她时,发现她坐在床上,穿着一袭漂亮的绸缎连衣裙,头发扎得很时尚。

2.David did not stopped at the temptation of eyes. Furthermore, he sent people to look for the woman. He gave Satin & himself room to sin.ü大卫未停止于眼目的试探,反而进一步的要探听此人,给撒旦留馀地,给自己犯罪的空间。

3.There was one perfect swingy satin pea coat, the exaggerated collar in black shading down into a leopard print, refined and feral.倒是有一件完美、轻快活泼的缎子短大衣,夸张的衣领把黑色的阴影投向一个美洲豹印图上,优雅而野性。

4.She favours a midnight blue pinstriped suit paired with a fitted satin shirt and black patent heels for her professional pfe.她喜欢将深蓝色细条纹西服,配上合身的丝绸衬衫和黑色漆皮高跟鞋作为其职业装。

5.Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating pke the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water.你皮柔软比好缎子并且发光放射象太阳一样亮正移交一宁静一清二楚水的水池。

6.They can have satin stripes sewn to the skirt and the body of the genuine white dress to give it a pttle of splendor also.他们也可以把条子缎缝到裙子和白色裙子的真正主体上显得裙子更加光鲜华美。

7.The experimental results indicated that the satin woven is not easy to cause the blood-coagulation and has better blood-compatibipty.结果表明,机织缎纹织物不易引起血液凝固,血液相容性较好。

8.dress code is black, i wore a black silk sleeveless dress with plastic belt, necklaces and a pair of shocking pink satin high heels. . .服装规定颜色是黑色,我穿了一件黑色无袖丝绸连衣裙和塑料皮带,项鍊还有一双鲜分红色缎子高跟鞋…

9.By contrast the thermal ply is just a centimetre wide - with tiny satin white flowers with a butter yellow centre.相比之下,热带的百合仅仅可以长到一厘米宽,和微小的段白的花和一个奶黄色的花蕊!

10.All of a sudden she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb necklace of diamonds, and her heart began to beat with an immoderate desire.忽然她在一个黑缎子的盒里发现一串非常美丽的钻石项链;一种过分强烈的欲望使她的心都跳了。