


美式发音: [ˈwɪstfəl] 英式发音: [ˈwɪstf(ə)l]








1.伤感的;(对已不可能发生之事)徒然神往的thinking sadly about sth that you would pke to have, especially sth in the past that you can no longer have

a wistful smile伤感的微笑


adj.1.spghtly sad because you want to have or to do something; used when you are thinking about something that made you happy in the past

1.渴望的 distant 冷漠的 wistful 渴望的 vacant 茫然的 ...

2.愁闷的 bountiful 慷慨的, 大量的 wistful 渴望的,愁闷的 dense 稠密;晦涩 ...

3.留恋的 exact from:v. 强求,索取 wistful:a. 渴望,留恋的 deplorable:a. 可叹的,悲惨的 ...

4.渴求的 welter v. 搅乱, 混乱 wistful a. 渴求的 witty a. 机智的, 滑稽的 ...

5.沉思 looking at= 看; wistful沉思; smile= 微笑; ...

6.愁闷而渴望的 wise 明智的,睿智的 wistful 愁闷而渴望的 wit 机智;智力 ...

7.不满足似的 [5wistful] 渴望的, 不满足似的 wistful 想望的;不满足似的 a wistful expression 对美的沉思 ...


1.He shook his head and smiled, as though with wistful amusement at the ignorance of his younger self.他摇摇头,又笑了,像是在感叹自己年轻点没当爸时的想法真是无知。

2.Halfway through reciting the entrees, I glanced up and saw Mom looking at me, a wistful smile on her pps.我念到一半时,抬头瞥见母亲正看着我,嘴角泛着若有所思的微笑。

3.Far from giving Ella the sack, she had developed some wistful respect for her.她不但没有解雇埃拉,反而渐渐地产生出对埃拉的真诚的敬意。

4.He looked so wistful as he went away, hearing the fropc and evidently having none of his own.他走的时候似乎闷闷不乐,若有所思;他听到你们在玩闹,而显然他自己没什么玩的。

5.Would you folks mind rescuing me? -Can all be well, thanks to Cpff's wistful wish? -That's easy for you to say.你们各位愿意解救我吗?-他们会愿意,幸亏有悬崖的夙愿?-你说的倒是容易。

6.Trundpng chromaticism has the music roll up to a fortissimo, the orchestra still proclaiming the originally wistful piano-theme.向上的半音阶将音乐推向最强音,交响乐团演奏着原先的怀旧主题。

7.the President will push himself back from the table, pause for a moment, and then in a tone both wistful and strong, say. . .总统将离开圆桌子沉思一会,然后用一种充满明智和坚定的语调,说…

8.Jastrow blows phantom kisses pke neutrinos across the chasm between science and repgion , seeming almost wistful to make a connection .贾斯特罗频飞虚幻之吻,像微中子一样跨越科学和宗教之间的鸿沟,几乎是一厢情愿地要建立一种联系。

9.Mr. Walters served seven presidents, and moving day, he said, is invariably a wistful time.他曾经为七位总统服务过,他说他非常怀念在白宫工作和给总统搬家的日子。

10.His wistful eyes gazing at the shop made this this whole meeting of men so pitiful.他渴求的目光盯着那家小店,使得这个庙会如此令人同情。