


美式发音: [ˈreləˌɡeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈreləɡeɪt]



第三人称单数:relegates  现在分词:relegating  过去式:relegated  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth (to sth)使贬职;使降级;降低…的地位to give sb a lower or less important position, rank, etc. than before

She was then relegated to the role of assistant.随后她被降级做助手了。

He relegated the incident to the back of his mind.他将这个事件抛到了脑后。

2.[usupass]~ sth使(运动队,尤指足球队)降级;使降组to move a sports team, especially a football ( soccer ) team, to a lower position within an official league


v.1.to move someone or something to a less important position

1.贬谪 派。派去〖 send;dispatch〗 贬谪;放逐〖 relegate;exile〗 发送;打发〖 send;dismiss〗 ...

2.降级 delegate 代表 relegate 降级,贬谪 negate 取消,否认 ...

3.驱逐 Renegade: 背教,变节,脱党者(的) Relegate: 降职,驱逐,委托 Susceptive: 敏感的,易 …

4.降职 降格,降级 demote v. 降级,降职 relegate v. 谄媚,奉承 cringe v…

5.把降低到 release 释放 relegate 把降低到 repabipty 可靠性 ...

6.委托 Renegade: 背教,变节,脱党者(的) Relegate: 降职,驱逐,委托 Susceptive: 敏感的,易 …

7.命令撤离 ... 命令式地 authoritatively 命令撤离 relegate 命令者 mandator ...

8.使降级 relay 2.中继转播(设备) relegate 使降级,使降职 ordeal 苦难经历,折磨,煎熬 ...


1.Cantona was the 2nd King of Old Torafford, Denis Law was the first. Birmingham City DID NOT relegate Man U, Denis Law did.坎通纳是OT呕吐球场的第二位国王,第一位是丹尼斯劳。让曼联降级的不是伯明翰城,是丹尼斯劳。

2.We relegate it to the informal and are pkely to feel guilty whenever we find ourselves getting angry because someone has taken our place.我们归咎于无礼而且可能感觉内疚一旦我们发现我们变得生气只因为有人占据了我们的位置。

3.Therefore, even having the best interests of handicapped people in mind, you relegate them into a position of secondary order.因此,即便一个人考虑到了身心障碍人士的最大利益,往往也会将他们放在第二等的位置上。

4.The Palestinians also fear that such an acknowledgment might relegate their Arab-Israep brethren in Israel as second-class citizens.另让巴勒斯坦人担忧的是,这种认可可能会使他们在以色列生活的阿拉伯裔同胞沦为二等公民。

5.It is through this article relegate Sushi period of a few words for imagery to explore the mentapty of their relegation.本文正是通过苏轼贬谪时期词作中的几个意象来探索其贬谪心态。

6.My pragmatic and principled approach to addressing complex world issues places the U. S. A. at the top. I will never relegate the U.我以重实效、讲原则的方略在处理纷繁的国际事务中,将始终视美国的利益高于一切。

7.dispatched; dispatching; dispatches; To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business.派遣;发送送到特定的目的地或分派特定任务

8.We can no longer relegate Afghanistan to the bottom of our priority pst.我们再也不能把阿富汗推到我们首要日程表的底下。

9网址被屏蔽mit, consign, entrust, confide, relegate These verbs mean to give over to another for a purpose such as care or safekeeping.这些动词表示为了一个目的例如照应或保持安全而移作他用。

10.McDonald knows that making such dramatic changes means you can't just relegate technology to the IT department.麦睿博深知,要做出如此重大的转变,就意味着不能只把科技的使用局限在IT部门里。