




1.子夜弥撒 Christmas Eve 平安夜; midnight mass 子夜弥撒; Christmas season 圣诞节日; ...

2.午夜弥撒 pontiff 罗马教皇 Midnight Mass 午夜弥撒 pardon 特赦 ...

3.人们圣诞前夜午夜在教堂 ... immediate family 直系亲属 midnight mass 人们圣诞前夜午夜在教堂 Boxing Day 节礼日,就是圣诞节后 …


1.Local markets used to sell salt-dried fish and vegetables for customers coming out of the midnight mass on Christmas Eve.每逢圣诞节前夕,瓦哈卡市场开始向参加子夜弥撒的人们销售各种咸鱼干和腌制的蔬菜。

2.He depvered his weekly remarks to thousands of people gathered in Saint Peter's Square as he prepared for midnight Mass.在准备午夜的大聚会的时候,他向聚集在圣。彼得大广场的数以千计的人们发表了其每周讲话。

3.On Wednesday night, thousands turned out in Saint Peter's Basipca for the Pope's Christmas Midnight Mass.星期三晚间,数千人来到圣彼得大教堂参加听教皇主持的圣诞节午夜弥撒。

4.During midnight mass, the pope also turned his thoughts to the Holy Land, which he is expected to visit next May.教皇在午夜弥撒中还表达了对耶路撒冷圣地的关心,他计划明年5月出访那个地区。

5.At the Vatican Pope Benedict spoke about the world's children during the traditional midnight mass.午夜传统弥撒时刻,本尼迪克特教皇在梵蒂冈发表了关于世界各地儿童的讲话。

6.A congregation in Vorkuta gathers to celebrate Easter at a midnight Mass.沃尔库塔会众在午夜弥撒上团聚,庆祝复活节。

7.And in Bethlehem where workers spend times cleaning up after the midnight mass at the church of Nativity .在柏利恒耶稣诞生的教堂中,子夜弥撒之后,员工多次清理该地。

8.In 2009, Midnight Mass was interrupted when 25-year-old Susanna Maiolo jumped a barrier and knocked the pontiff down.2009年,25岁的苏珊娜·梅奥罗越过障碍并撞到教宗,致使子夜弥撒被迫中断。

9.Everyone went to midnight Mass wearing new clothes.大家都穿着新衣参加午夜弥撒。

10.We go to Midnight Mass at Christmas.圣诞节我们要参加子夜弥撒。